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 Author  Thread: MAS 200 V42 sales person number to SLX account Manager
Mark Hallberg
Posts: 59
MAS 200 V42 sales person number to SLX account ManagerYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 15 Jul 08 11:59 AM
Has anbody been able to use the ^TBL command in Dynalink version 7 to return the SLX dbuserid from a MAS 200 Salesperson number? or any other command

for example
in MAS my Salesperson number 0100 for chuck. Chuck's SLX dbuserid is U6UJ9A00000L

i am using the ^TBL(0100,ADMIN,U6UJ9A00000L) This will work fine putting in Chucks DBuserid. if the MAS salesnumber is anything different then 0100, ADMIN will be the SLX Account Manager.

If I add a 2nd salesnumber I get unknown user in my SLX account.


any help would be appreciated.

thanks in advance
Mark Hallberg
Posts: 59
Re: MAS 200 V42 sales person number to SLX account ManagerYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 28 Jul 08 10:14 AM
Thanks to one of the guys in out office, we were able to make this work. You need to add few extra delimiters depending on the length of the search criteria. in the below statement, each on of my sales people are three characters.
^TBL(COLBOWKNUWBBPOTRAF, Admin,U6UJ9A00000T,X,X,U6UJ9A00000G,X,X,U6UJ9A000009,X,X,U6UJ9A00000C,X,X,U6UJ9A000017,X,X,U6UJ9A00000T)
Patrick Cohan
Posts: 1
Re: MAS 200 V4.3 CustomerBillTo_001 value to SLX Account PARENTIDYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Dec 09 12:40 PM
Hello Mark,
I have the AR-1068 (National Accounts) extended solution, so I have to look at the value of the 'BillToCustomerNo_001' (if one is present) and provide the respective ACCOUNTID. The problem that I am facing is that I have to evaluate 11 different MAS CustomerNo's and it exceeds the 255 characters that the jet database behind the DynaLink map allows. So, I tried to run the map with two lines for the same field-mappings, see below:

^TBL(pos(AR_Customer01.BillToCustomerNo_001$=" AC1000 AM1003 BF1000 CA1003 DO3030")/7,,A6UJ9A0002OC,A6UJ9A0002T9,A6UJ9A0003AF,A6UJ9A0003PH,A6UJ9A0004RQ)
** as you can see in the above entry, I am assuming that I have to deal with MAS record when there isn't a parent account ... is this true, or will it be ignored if I don't specify a "blank" value.

^TBL(pos(AR_Customer01.BillToCustomerNo_001$=" HY3010 IN1000 NA3025 OR3004 TR1001 UN1000")/7,A6UJ9A0006JR,A6UJ9A0006KE,A6UJ9A00083A,A6UJ9A0008D0,A6UJ9A000ABT,A6UJ9A000AG2)

Right now I am going to back up the MDB file for this map and then modify the field-length to allow for a longer string.
Any ideas?
Another thing I was wondering about is, in your example you don't specify how many characters the retrieved value is like I do in my code: The CustomerNo field is 7-chars wide so, " OR3004 TR1001 UN1000")/7,"

Any help that you or others can provide with this situation would be greatly appreciated!


** update **
Expanded the size of the Special field in the MDB file. This is the new TBL statement in the Map:
^TBL(pos(AR_Customer01.BillToCustomerNo_001$=" AC1000 AM1003 BF1000 CA1003 DO3030 HY3010 IN1000 NA3025 OR3004 TR1001 UN1000")/7,A6UJ9A0002OC,A6UJ9A0002T9,A6UJ9A0003AF,A6UJ9A0003PH,A6UJ9A0004RQ,A6UJ9A0006JR,A6UJ9A0006KE,A6UJ9A00083A,A6UJ9A0008D0,A6UJ9A000ABT,A6UJ9A000AG2)

* result *
For the 11.5K records that did NOT have a value in the BillToCustomerNo_001 field, it wrote in the PARENTID field the value "A6UJ9A0002T9" which would be for AM1003. In actuality, there is only one record with that value ... which did not come through to SLX.

Back to the drawing-board...

Mark Hallberg
Posts: 59
Re: MAS 200 V4.3 CustomerBillTo_001 value to SLX Account PARENTIDYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Dec 09 3:15 PM
Hello Patrick,
I am very sorry for the late reply. I am not sure if I can be much of help in the sting length. That maybe a good questions for our friends at sage. You may also want to make a post on the SAGE SLX forums and a more experianced person than I could help.
Mark Dykun
Posts: 297
Re: MAS 200 V4.3 CustomerBillTo_001 value to SLX Account PARENTIDYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Jan 10 7:08 AM
Definately post this information back to Sage SalesLogix so that any critical issues can be fixed in future service packs.

- Mark
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