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 Author  Thread: Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp Group
Tomás Ruiz
Posts: 3
Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Aug 06 6:37 PM
Hi all,

I'm developing with C#. I'm having problems when I try to create a lookup, or a temp Group trough VS 2003.

here is teh code that I'm Using:

SalesLogix.SlxApplicationClass SLX = new SalesLogix.SlxApplicationClass();
SLX.BasicFunctions.CreateTempGroup("Opportunity", "TempGroup", "Opportunity:accountid", "in", "select accountid from account", "");

this doesn't show any error message, but it doesn't show any result neither.

what am I doing wrong? it's verry important to me, so any help that could be sent to me will be verry useful.


Tomás Ruiz.
John Gundrum
Posts: 632
Top 10 forum poster: 632 posts
Re: Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Aug 06 7:53 AM
I'm not expert on that SLX function, but from the looks doesn't it just create the temporary group? After creating it wouldn't you have to SHOW it or do a refresh or something to make it the active visible group?

If so, that would explain why you are not getting an error.

John G.
Tomás Ruiz
Posts: 3
Re: Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Aug 06 11:41 AM
Thanks John,

Acctualy it does create a temp Group in SalesLogix (6.2.4 by the way) at the time that the code is executed, and it' shown as "lookUp Results", all by itself, but the thing is that it shows nothing, even if I press F5 or CTRL+F5.. nothing hapend..

Tomás Ruiz.
Tomás Ruiz
Posts: 3
Re: Big Urgent problem creating a lookup, or a temp GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Aug 06 12:23 PM
I did it!!!!

I've found how to make it works!!!,

there was a little bug that was cousing the problem. You have to work with it just like it's a SQL Sentence.

Here is an Example:

In the Parameter I've wrote "Opportunity",
In the Parameter I've wrote " ",
In the Parameter I've wrote "OpportunityID",
In the Parameter I've wrote " IN ", (Operator)
In the Parameter I've wrote "(Select OpportunityID from Opportunity)", (Condition)
In the Parameter I've wrote "", (Useless for me)

SLX.BasicFunctions.CreateTempGroup("Opportunity", " ", "OpportunityID", " in ", "(Select OpportunityID from Opportunity)", "");

in that way it builds a SQL Sentence with this form....

"Select * from Oportunity where OpportunityID IN (Select OpportunityID from Opportunity)"

Of course this returns all of the Opportunities in DB for the actual User.

but that's the way it works... is verry simple... but it did gave me some troubles.

Hope this helps you in the future,

Sorry for bothering you
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