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 Author  Thread: Scalability of 7.0.1 web client
Doug Evenhouse
Posts: 66
Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Oct 08 12:36 AM
We are looking at the possibility of having up to 400 concurrent users on the 7.0.1 web client. Does anyone have any experience and advice about how to ensure that the 7.0.1 web client can handle the load? Any scalability issues that have been encountered?

I expect we will move to 7.5 later but we're stuck on 7.0.1 for the time being.

Thanks for any comments or advice about how to prepare for this many users.

Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 8:37 AM
It won't (you will need multiple virtual servers and use webredirect between them - the limit is around 50-100 per web virtual root).
Doug Evenhouse
Posts: 66
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 9:16 AM
Originally posted by Mike Spragg

It won't (you will need multiple virtual servers and use webredirect between them - the limit is around 50-100 per web virtual root).

Thanks for the response Mike.

We support roughly 50-60 concurrent users now with 10 virtual servers and webredirect. When you say "it won't" do you mean the 7.0.1 web client won't scale up to 400 under any circumstances, or just that it will be necessary to add additional virtual servers?
Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 9:47 AM
No, it will totally "work" - but that very much depends on your definition ! It will work, just very slowly and you'll be resetting the server often. You need to scale out by creating more virtual servers (or, preferably, physical servers) - in your case 8 should have sufficed for the entire 400. If you are already using 10 - then these are obviously "power" users or the hardware isn't up to the job (yes, I'm well aware that SLX is at fault too!! But, largely, this is solved in 7.5 with 100 per server as a good benchmark). So, intrigued why you are already at 10 ?
Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
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Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 10:10 AM
As previously posted, you need a combination of Multiple Servers / Multiple Web Instances per Server to sustain that number of users. However, I am not sure that you need that many.
Rather than thinking Total number of users, you should be thinking about Concurrent Ussage.

I support a 6.2 (soon to be 7.2) Web with about 4000 users, but our concurrent usage peaks at around 800 users with about 2000 distinct users login daily. We currently have 15 instances (3 Physical Servers X 5 Web Instances) and have been able to fine tune it.

We do however restart the application pools nightly at around 4 AM. Our load balancer is able to determine the status of the Instances (although not the load), but overall we see a balanced usage across our Instances). Also, you need to pay attention to your DB size. In our case, our DB is about 100 GB, but most users have access to about 2000 Contacts. Never the less, we have made many changes geared to performance, such as avoiding the "All Contacts" group from being used as Default, not loading Group data by default when selecting a module, changing the default on the Searches from "Starting With" to "Equal".

All of these plus active monitoring allows us to maintain High Availability and Scalability.
Doug Evenhouse
Posts: 66
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 10:14 AM
Well, perhaps 10 is overkill. We have over 400 named users, but typically only about 50-60 are logged on at the same time. We set up 10 virtual servers just to able to handle a larger load if necessary. Also occasionally we "lose" a virtual server or two during the day - it will just simply quit responding - so we needed enough virtual servers to ensure that if one or two stopped responding we had others to connect to. We reset IIS every night. In a perverse way it is gratifying to hear that having to reset the server is not simply due to our inability to build the system properly (although I'm sure we could do things better). It seems each virtual site process leaks memory as the day progresses.

7.5 will handle 100 concurrent users per virtual server or per physical server or something else?

Now we are looking at having a much larger community that has the potential for up to 400 concurrent users (rather than 50-60). From your response I understand that if 10 virtual servers is handling the 50 or 60 ok, then we should be able to provide similar performance for the additional users by adding virtual servers and, if necessary, additional physical servers. Is that correct?

Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 10:21 AM
Yes. 10 Virtual Servers should.

I also meant to say that it isn't just about the Web Instances. You also need to pay attention to your SQL server. Make sure that your ownership model is enabling data partinioning (in other words, having most users have the ability to only see a particular subset of the data). If you don't accomplish it via ownership, you may be able to accomplish it via the Groups that you expose by default.

Never the less, with 400 users you probably won't see many of this problems.
Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Doug Evenhouse

7.5 will handle 100 concurrent users per virtual server or per physical server or something else?

Now we are looking at having a much larger community that has the potential for up to 400 concurrent users (rather than 50-60). From your response I understand that if 10 virtual servers is handling the 50 or 60 ok, then we should be able to provide similar performance for the additional users by adding virtual servers and, if necessary, additional physical servers. Is that correct?


Yep, I'd say this was right.
Doug Evenhouse
Posts: 66
Re: Scalability of 7.0.1 web clientYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Oct 08 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Raul A. Chavez

As previously posted, you need a combination of Multiple Servers / Multiple Web Instances per Server to sustain that number of users. However, I am not sure that you need that many.
Rather than thinking Total number of users, you should be thinking about Concurrent Ussage.

I support a 6.2 (soon to be 7.2) Web with about 4000 users, but our concurrent usage peaks at around 800 users with about 2000 distinct users login daily. We currently have 15 instances (3 Physical Servers X 5 Web Instances) and have been able to fine tune it.

We do however restart the application pools nightly at around 4 AM. Our load balancer is able to determine the status of the Instances (although not the load), but overall we see a balanced usage across our Instances). Also, you need to pay attention to your DB size. In our case, our DB is about 100 GB, but most users have access to about 2000 Contacts. Never the less, we have made many changes geared to performance, such as avoiding the "All Contacts" group from being used as Default, not loading Group data by default when selecting a module, changing the default on the Searches from "Starting With" to "Equal".

All of these plus active monitoring allows us to maintain High Availability and Scalability.

Thanks Raul, that's helpful.

Curious - why limit the virtual web instances to 5 per physical server? Do you have memory limitations on these servers or CPU saturation...?

We run IISRESET nightly. Is that what you do to restart the application pools? Or do you have another way to do that?
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