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 Author  Thread: Copy data from Production back to Dev database - ad hoc
Dan Zsiga
Posts: 17
Copy data from Production back to Dev database - ad hocYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jan 14 5:17 AM

Hi All,

I posted this to a different forum over the holidays and got no response.  erhaps this is the correct location?

We are developing tools to integrate our ERP system and tie a few things together with our SLX data.  We need to synch up our data from production back to the dev database so we make sure we have records for contacts\accounts that users are likely to be testing with.  Since the development is an iterative process we will most likely need to update this data multiple times before we are done.  Are there simple scripts that can help with this?  I was thinking SQL backup and restore, but I believe there are SLX settings that would need to be set (reset) properly in the dev database.  Any assistance would be appreciated.


Walter Shpuntoff
Posts: 167
Re: Copy data from Production back to Dev database - ad hocYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 Jan 14 5:27 AM

If you want to "neuter" the dev database, there are a few steps you will want to take to avoid generating cross traffic.

There is a script that was written by Todd Hardin (now with Saleslogix pro services) that does a very thorough job of eliminating conflicts


-- script:  makeSafeDevTestDB.sql
-- Author:  Todd Hardin, Sage SalesLogix Professional Services Group
-- Revision: 1.2
-- Release: For public release, *USE AT OWN RISK*
-- IMPORTANT NOTE: Assumes you are logged in as SA user
use <YourDatabaseNameHere>

-- Assuming this database has just been Restored/Attached
-- Can't hurt to run this.
print 'Perform fixup on sysdba login to user mapping for this DB'
exec sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'sysdba', 'sysdba'
print ' '

-- Reset Admin password to "password"
print 'Reset Admin password to "password"'
update sysdba.usersecurity set userpw = '9A4AEF2EE82EDC0B22' where userid = 'ADMIN'
-- set password to a <blank> password
-- update sysdba.usersecurity set userpw = '62c3a78ae34a2b0f62' where userid  = 'ADMIN'

-- declare variables
declare @dbname varchar(32)
declare @newHostSiteCode char(4)
declare @oldHostSiteCode char(4)

declare @LibraryUNC varchar(128)
declare @AttachmentsUNC varchar(128)

-- initialize implementation specific variables
-- NOTE: edit these values as desired for your implementation
-- #####################################################################
select @newHostSiteCode = 'AAAA'
select @LibraryUNC = '\\YourServer\DevShares\Library'
select @AttachmentsUNC = '\\YourServer\DevShares\Attachments'

-- Retrieve the current site code for the Main host system
select @oldHostSiteCode = sitecode from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'PRIMARY'

-- #####################################################################
-- Section 1: Remove all SyncServer and RemoteOffice Definitions
print 'Section 1: Remove all SyncServer and RemoteOffice Definitions'
print '#############################################################'
print ' '

-- delete siteoptions records that are tied to syncservers

print 'deleting siteoptions records that are tied to syncservers'
delete from sysdba.siteoptions where sitecode in (select sitecode from sysdba.syncserver)

-- delete license records that represent any syncserver
print 'deleting license record(s) that represent any syncserver(s)'
delete from sysdba.licenses where userid in (select sitecode from sysdba.SyncServer)

-- update siteoptions table for records which represent users   
print 'updating hostserver reference in siteoptions table for all records which represent system users'
update sysdba.siteoptions set hostserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER' where sitecode in (select primarysite from sysdba.usersecurity)
-- Ideally we would have cleand up the SiteOptions blob to remove mapping of User to SyncTransfer profile.
-- Had considered setting blob = NULL
-- Decided to leave blob alone as blob appears to also be used for LAN users.

-- cleanup branchoptions table
-- delete any remote offices defined
print 'deleting all remote office definitions'
delete from sysdba.branchoptions where sitecode not in (select primaryserver from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'PRIMARY')
-- update the record representing the main host office
print 'updating branchoptions table for record representing main host office'
update sysdba.branchoptions set sitecode = 'NOSYNCSERVER', attachmentpath = @AttachmentsUNC, saleslibrarypath = @LibraryUNC

-- delete all syncserver definitions
print 'deleting all syncserver definitions from syncserver table'
delete from sysdba.syncserver

-- delete the UNC to the sync service job definition file
print 'deleting syncservicefile (sync job file) record'
delete from sysdba.syncservicefile
-- delete any SyncTransfer profile definitions
print 'deleting all sync transfer profile definitions from synctransfer table'
delete from sysdba.synctransfer

-- change all Remote (Mobile) users to Network users
print 'changing all remote users to be network users in usersecurity table'
update sysdba.usersecurity set type = 'N' where type = 'M'

-- delete all prior usersubscription information
print 'deleting all usersubscription information since users are no longer remotes'
delete from sysdba.usersubscription
-- cleanup syncserver work tables
print 'deleting sync work table - synsequencing'
delete from sysdba.syncsequencing
print 'deleting sync work table - syncjobhistory'
delete from sysdba.syncjobhistory
print 'deleting sync work table - syncfiletracking'
delete from sysdba.syncfiletracking

-- special clean-up for discontinue IQ Reporting tool
print 'deleting legacy IQ Objects schema record from systeminfo table'
delete from sysdba.systeminfo where systeminfoid = 'IQKBASE'

-- clean up the systeminfo table
print 'updates to system info table to cleanup record for main host office'

-- uncomment if SLX v6.0.1
--update sysdba.systeminfo set primaryserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER', pingport = NULL, pingserver = NULL, RWPass = NULL

-- This version for SLXv6.1; NULLs out new column "ROPASS"
update sysdba.systeminfo set primaryserver = 'NOSYNCSERVER', pingport = NULL, pingserver = NULL, RWPass = NULL, ROPass = NULL

-- ##################################################################
-- Section 2: Remove all SLX Web configuration information
print 'Section 2: Remove all SLX Web configuration information'
print '#############################################################'
print ' '

-- delete siteoptions records the correspond to WebServer DLL Instances
print 'deleting siteoptions records the correspond to WebServer DLL Instances'
delete from sysdba.siteoptions where sitecode in (select sitecode from sysdba.slxwebserver)

-- delete web server defintion(s)
print 'deleting web server defintion(s) from slxwebdata table'
delete from sysdba.slxwebdata

-- delete web server DLL instance definition(s)
print 'deleting web server DLL instance definition(s) from slxwebserver table'
delete from sysdba.slxwebserver

-- ##################################################################
-- Section 3: Change the SiteCode of the main/host system
print 'Section 3: Change the SiteCode of the main/host system'
print '#############################################################'
print ' '
print 'Updating main host site code from: ' + @oldHostSiteCode + ' to: ' + @newHostSiteCode

-- update siteoptions table to reflect the newHostSiteCode
print 'Updating sitecode in siteoptions table for record representing main host office'
update sysdba.siteoptions set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode where sitecode = @oldHostSiteCode

-- update systeminfo table to reflect the newHostSiteCode
print 'updating systeminfo table to reflect the newHostSiteCode'
update sysdba.systeminfo set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode where sitecode = @oldHostSiteCode

-- update sitekeys to newHostSiteCode as well as resetting key generator base values
-- also deletes any entries from sitekeys that do not match the oldHostSiteCode
print 'resetting sitekeys ID generation table to new SiteCode and resetting KeyBase counter to: A000000'

delete from sysdba.sitekeys where sitecode <> @oldHostSiteCode
update sysdba.sitekeys set sitecode = @newHostSiteCode, keyvalue = 'A000000'

-- ###################################################################
-- Section 4: Change the sitecode for each USER
-- This proceedure uses a sequentially assigned decimal number
-- for each USER sitecode.
-- U001 - U999
-- Ideally we should check for collisions on the rare change
-- that a SITECODE of the form U### already exists in the database.
-- An alternative would be to use randomly assigned base36 values
-- just as SLX does.
print 'Section 4: Change the sitecode for each USER'
print '#############################################################'
print ' '

declare userlist cursor for select primarysite from sysdba.usersecurity

declare @oldUserSiteCode char(4)
declare @newUserSiteCode char(4)
declare @UserCounter int

-- init counter
select @UserCounter = 0

open userlist
fetch next from userlist into @oldUserSiteCode
while @@fetch_status = 0
    select @UserCounter = @UserCounter + 1
    select @newUserSiteCode = 'U' + right ('000' + CAST(@UserCounter as varchar), 3)
    print 'Updating user sitecode from: ' + @oldUserSiteCode + ' to: ' + @newUserSiteCode
    update sysdba.siteoptions set sitecode = @newUserSiteCode where sitecode = @oldUserSiteCode
    update sysdba.usersecurity set primarysite = @newUserSiteCode where primarysite = @oldUserSiteCode
        fetch next from userlist into @oldUserSiteCode
close userlist
deallocate userlist

-- ###################################################################
-- Section 5: Manual Tasks
print 'Section 5: Manual Tasks'
print '#############################################################'
print ' '
print 'Must do:'
print 'Edit/Recreate the Data Connection definition for this database'
print 'This is necessary to populate the systeminfo table columns'
print 'pingport, pingserver, and RWPass'
print ' '
print ' '
print 'End of script'

-- Optional: SyncServer, RemoteOffices, etc.
-- If you need a sync server or remote offices for your Dev/Test environment, then
-- re-install licenses and configure to use your Dev/Test SyncServer, Test FTp server, etc.

-- Optional: SLX Legacy WebServer
-- If you need to use the SLX Web features, use WebManager to defined new WebProfile(s) and WebServer(s)
-- configured to use your Dev/Test servers.


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