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Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix  
Description:  MindManager software allows you to quickly organize data for several uses. Whether to simply display organized data from SalesLogix, or to output action items for an account/contact in SalesLogix to a MindManager document, the possibilities open the door for some quick integration with a great program.

Category:  SalesLogix VBScript Articles
Author:  Ryan Farley
Submitted:  6/16/2005
Article has been read 25608 times

Rating: - 5.0 out of 5 by 11 users

Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix

MindManager software allows you to quickly organize data for several uses. Whether to simply display organized data from SalesLogix, or to output action items for an account/contact in SalesLogix to a MindManager document, the possibilities open the door for some quick integration with a great program.

MindManager Background

MindManager software from MindJet build maps from a central topic with branches to related subjects, issues, tasks, and deliverables; include resources such as live links and documents. It creates organized documents to make brainstorming, design sessions, etc easier and more effective. If you need to do any planning, brain storming, designing, or organizing ideas, MindManager is a great tool to use. I was only recently turned on to MindManager and have made it a permanent part of my routines when brainstorming new ideas, taking notes and action lists from meetings and so forth. I instantly fell in love with this application, from the perspectives of both a user and a developer.

- To learn more, check out the MindJet website
- Visit the MindManager DevZone

Automation With MindManager

MindManager exposes a complete and well thought out object model. Not only does MindManager look like a part of Microsoft Office, but it's object model is so easy to use that you'll forget you're not programming against an Office application. If you're familiar with MindManager, you know that everything comes back to a main central topic. The object model works the same way. You simply create topics that branch off from other topics, all of which lead back to the central topic. Consider the sample below:

Dim mm
Dim doc
Dim t

    On Error Resume Next
    Set mm = CreateObject("MindManager.Application")

    If Err.Number = 429 Then
        MsgBox "MindManager is not installed.", 48, "Error"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    On Error Goto 0

    mm.Visible = True    
    Set doc = mm.Documents.Item(0)

    With doc.CentralTopic
        'create the main topic text
        .Text = "Tester Main Topic"
        'add sub-topics
        .AddSubTopic "Tester 1"
        .AddSubTopic "Tester 2"
        Set t = .AddSubTopic("Tester 3")
        'add sub-topics under the "Tester 3" sub-topic
        t.AddSubTopic "Sub Topic 1 of 4"
        t.AddSubTopic "Sub Topic 2 of 4"
        t.AddSubTopic "Sub Topic 3 of 4"
        Set t = t.AddSubTopic("Sub Topic 4 of 4")
        'add properties to the "Sub Topic 4 of 4" sub-topic
        t.Icons.AddStockIcon 32 'mmStockIconResource1
        t.CreateHyperlink "mailto:me@mail.com"
        t.Notes.Text = "This is a test to see some notes"
    End With
    Set t = Nothing
    Set doc = Nothing
    Set mm = Nothing

This would result in the following MindManager map:

Uses With SalesLogix

There are several uses where MindManager would make a great enhancement for SalesLogix. A few initial ideas:
  • Displaying account hierarchies. A parent account would be represented by the central topic which would branch out to child-accounts.
  • Displaying account overview & action items. The account as the central topic branching out to items such as:
    • Tickets branching also to associated activities for each ticket.
    • Contacts branching out to activities for each contact.
    • Opportunities branching out to any activities for the opportunity.
  • Importing tasks from a MindManager map to SalesLogix.
  • Exporting any custom data, such as projects, campaigns, events, etc to MindManager.
For this article, we will look at simply displaying a map overview of the current account in SalesLogix to keep things simple.

The Account Overview Map

To keep things organized with our code sample, we will construct a VBScript class that can be reused where ever necessary in SalesLogix. This example will export an account overview map from SalesLogix to provide a quick overview of all activities scheduled with contacts from the current account.

Option Explicit

Class AccountMindManager

Private m_accountid

Public Property Let AccountID(ByVal val)
    m_accountid = val
End Property

Public Property Get AccountID()
    AccountID = m_accountid
End Property

Public Function IsMindManagerInstalled()
Dim mm

    On Error Resume Next

    Set mm = CreateObject("MindManager.Application")
    IsMindManagerInstalled = (Err.Number <> 429)

    Set mm = Nothing
    On Error Goto 0
End Function

Public Sub CreateDocument()
Dim mm
Dim doc
Dim t
Dim rs
Dim id

    If Not IsMindManagerInstalled Then
        MsgBox "MindManager is not installed on your computer.", 48, "MindManager Not Installed"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Trim(m_accountid) = "" Then
        Err.Raise 1000, "AccountID property has not been set."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set mm = CreateObject("MindManager.Application")

    mm.Visible = True
    Set doc = mm.Documents.Add(True)

    'add account as central contact
    doc.CentralTopic.Text = GetScalarValue("account", "account", "accountid = '" & m_accountid & "'")

    'add contacts
    Set rs = GetData("contactid, lastname, firstname, email", "contact", "accountid = '" & m_accountid & "'")
    With rs
         While Not (.BOF Or .EOF)
             id = .Fields("contactid").Value

             Set t = doc.CentralTopic.AddSubTopic(.Fields("firstname").Value & " " & .Fields("lastname").Value)
             t.Icons.AddStockIcon 32 'mmStockIconResource1
             If Trim(.Fields("email").Value & "") <> "" Then
                 t.CreateHyperlink "mailto:" & .Fields("email").Value
             End If

             AddContactActivities id, t

             Set t = Nothing
    End With
    Set rs = Nothing

    Set doc = Nothing
    Set mm = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub AddContactActivities(ByVal ContactID, ByRef ParentTopic)
Dim rs
Dim topic
Dim task
Dim acttype
Dim text

    Set rs = GetData("activityid, type, description, startdate, notes", "activity", "contactid = '" & ContactID & "'")
    With rs
        While Not (.BOF Or .EOF)
            acttype = .Fields("type").Value & ""
            text = GetTypeText(acttype) & " (" & .Fields("startdate").Value & ") " & .Fields("description").Value

            Set topic = ParentTopic.AddSubTopic(text)
            topic.Icons.AddStockIcon GetTypeIcon(acttype)
            topic.Notes.Text = .Fields("notes").Value & ""

            Set task = topic.Task
            task.Categories = GetTypeText(acttype)
            task.DueDate = .Fields("startdate").Value
            task.StartDate = .Fields("startdate").Value

            Set task = Nothing
            Set topic = Nothing
    End With
End Sub

Private Function GetScalarValue(ByVal Field, ByVal Table, ByVal Where)
Dim rs

    Set rs = Application.GetNewConnection.Execute("select " & Field & " from " & Table & " where " & Where)

    With rs
         If Not (.BOF Or .EOF) Then
             GetScalarValue = .Fields(0).Value & ""
             GetScalarValue = ""
         End If
    End With
    Set rs = Nothing
End Function

Private Function GetData(ByVal Fields, ByVal Table, ByVal Where)
    Set GetData = Application.GetNewConnection.Execute("select " & Fields & " from " & Table & " where " & Where)
End Function

Private Function GetTypeText(ByVal ActivityType)
Dim text

    Select Case Trim(ActivityType)
    Case "262153" text = "Document"
    Case "262154" text = "E-Mail"
    Case "262155" text = "Fax"
    Case "262163" text = "Literature Request"
    Case "262145" text = "Meeting"
    Case "262148" text = "Note"
    Case "262162" text = "Personal Activity"
    Case "262146" text = "Phone Call"
    Case "262160" text = "Process"
    Case "262147" text = "To-Do"
    Case Else text = ""
    End Select

    GetTypeText = text
End Function

Private Function GetTypeIcon(ByVal ActivityType)
Dim ico

    Select Case Trim(ActivityType)
    Case "262154" ico = 10 'mmStockIconEmail
    Case "262155" ico = 42 'mmStockIconFax
    Case "262163" ico = 67 'mmStockIconBook
    Case "262145" ico = 61 'mmStockIconMeeting
    Case "262148" ico = 63 'mmStockIconNote
    Case "262146" ico = 40 'mmStockIconCellphone
    Case "262147" ico = 62 'mmStockIconCheck
    Case Else ico = 67 'mmStockIconBook
    End Select

    GetTypeIcon = ico
End Function

End Class

To use this class, we could include it in another script, such as one behind a Form and then consume the class as follows:

Dim mm

    Set mm = New AccountMindManager
    mm.AccountID = Form.CurrentID

This would result in the following MindManager map:

We certainly could go on and on with this idea, adding tickets, opportunities, etc - to the point where we would have a complete overview all in a single map.

Wrapping It Up

Integrating other applications with SalesLogix makes SalesLogix an even more powerful and useful tool. MindManager can enhance the user's experience with SalesLogix like no other application can.

Until next time, happy coding.


About the Author

  Ryan Farley
(SalesLogix Business Partner)
Customer FX Corporation


Ryan Farley is the Director of Development for Customer FX and creator of slxdeveloper.com. He's been blogging regularly about SalesLogix since 2001 and believes in sharing with the community. He loves C#, Javascript, Python, web development, open source, and Linux. He also loves his hobby as an amateur filmmaker.

View Ryan's SalesLogix Mobile Seveloper Series
View Ryan's SalesLogix SData Developer Series
View Ryan's Git for the SalesLogix Developer series

View online profile for Ryan Farley

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Author Article Comments and Discussion
Bob (RJ)Ledger

slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 6/16/2005 6:41:15 AM
GREAT Piece of work Ryan!
Mike Boysen

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 6/16/2005 7:25:54 AM
Oh my god. You did it all in Architect LOL. Great article. I'm checking this product out.

Joseph Dindinger

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 6/27/2005 4:27:02 PM
Great Job! I've actually been thinking of doing something like this for a while. You snooze you lose I guess.

How difficult do you think it would be to do the same kind of thing with FreeMind (freemind.sourceforge.net)? The file structure is very simple, I know it wouldn't be too hard. And even though it isn't quite as pretty, you can't beat the price!

Joseph D
Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 6/27/2005 11:38:37 PM

The key is whether or not FreeMind exposes some sort of API or COM layer - or it's file format can be written to in some easy manner. Free is always nice, but while MindJet's MindManager has a high price-tag, it is well worth it IMO. The exposed object model is so complete and very well put together that you feel like you're programming against a uilt in MS Office app. You can get a free viewer app from MindJet also.

That said, it would be interesting to take something free like FreeMind and wrap it in an ActiveX control to display right in SLX forms.

Phil Parkin

slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 7/25/2008 1:41:07 AM
I've just implemented this and it works a treat - good work Ryan!

Did you ever get round to coding Account Hierarchies? Would be a very nice way of displaying them.

Ryan Farley

slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
slxdeveloper.com Forum Top 10 Poster!

Re: Integrating MindManager With SalesLogix
Posted: 7/25/2008 10:58:33 AM
Hi Phil,

I'm sure I wrote the code, but can't remember where I did that now (tool long ago). There wouldn't be too many changes from what is shown here in this article.


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