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Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 24 Jul 07 4:36 PM
Many of you have likely already heard, but I wanted to announce it here as well. Sage has announced the official release date for the exiting new version 7.2 - with the new .NET web platform.
SalesLogix 7.2 will be released on August 10th
Ryan Farley |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 25 Jul 07 4:32 AM
The original release date was July 24th (as mentioned in Sage Bulletin).
Then, my Sage BP Account Manager was here last week, and she said 28th July.
Now, you say it's August 10th.
Frankly, you're the most reliable source of the three, but we've all seen this before. We'll be lucky if it's before Christmas. |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 25 Jul 07 7:51 AM
I think the 24th was to coincide with the Summit registration opening. The Summit Registration opening has changed to 7/26.
But now the product is going to be released 8/10. That works for me. No huge rush for us since most of the enhancements are in the web client - at least thats what I've been hearing.
John G. |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 25 Jul 07 9:17 AM
Yes, they were expecting to release sooner. But the good part is that many business partners, myself include, have been *very* involved in the beta & RC cycles - and Sage has been listening to what we have to say. So, they've extended the RC period, which is currently in RC4. RC4 is the current candidate for gold - and I'm happy with that. Everything that was an issue or showstopper for me has been fixed.
I've put in probably 120 hours into the RC cycles alone (not counting beta phase hours) and I am very happy with it's current state. An *excellent* starting point. As a developer, I am thrilled with that you can do in the product (talking the web client product here - LAN is basically the same). For non-developers, the codeless customization capabilities are astounding. I've been amazed at the level of customization you can do without writing any code (or at least extremely little code).
This is a web-focused release. The LAN product has some much needed fixes, but that is mainly it for LAN. The web client however, is a complete rewrite and demonstrates the future direction for SLX - LAN & mobile included. We're really not that far from the day when you can built a customization once, and deploy that customization to web, LAN, and mobile - and just have it work *anywhere*. This release is the first step to achieving that and introduces the platform & development environment that will be used across the board for SLX in the future.
IMO, it is all very exciting, and you can count on some articles here (and possibly more ) in the very near future.
As for the release date, August 10th is official. We've got a solid candidate for gold and my thumbs are up for release. Sage has also made official announcements as well regarding the date. Here is a copy of a newsletter that was sent out by Sage:
-Ryan |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 26 Jul 07 11:16 AM
As Ryan says.. they expected to release sooner but the beta community (along w/Ryan and otheres.. yours truly being one pushed for an RC4 because we were not happy with what we saw in RC3. This is why Aug 10 (for North America) became the date.. BTW.. It's Aug 16th in the UK.
I spent all of my RC2/3/4 time on the Windows side and ignored the web since some of our clients are in the "upgrade window" and also need the changes coming in activities big time (OOTB and activity customization related items.). Probably spent about the same amount of time on the new web as Ryan... plus another 40 plus hours on the Windows side.
We upgraded our production (Windows w/remotes) Slx using RC2 and have progressed thru R3 and 4. So far RC4 is looking fine. BUT there are "bugs" left over on the forms/scripts side (dispite pushing for them) for Windows. Of course we have fixed them in our systems 
-- rjl |
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Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 31 Jul 07 6:59 AM
Since SalesLogix is no longer "controlled" by the North American operating company but rather by a global group....
Each operating company will make it's own announcement as to when it will be officially releasing in it's area.
AFAIK the middle east is part of EMEA (Europe/middle east africa) operations.... so Sage in Europe will probably determine that. Those of us who are partners in North America have no (business) contact/relation contact/relation w/Sage EMEA.
-- rjl |
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Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 02 Aug 07 6:42 AM
Originally posted by Konstantin Vishnevsky
Do we have any documentation on it yet? Changes, improvements and so on? |
There have been webinars for Partners and clients/potential clients, etc. In general there's NO real changes to the Windows version of SalesLogix except for Activity "enhancements" and (some) bug fixes.
The Web side is aTotally new product. You cannot upgrade your OLD web to the new web. You will have to either: a - run the OLD web b - run the new web and build your customs out from scratch.
NO fixes are there for the old web.. it's basically dead.
Contact your BP for a preliminary KI list.
You have to remember, KI lists are NOT public info. This info is only available to Customers and partners.
Aug 10th is close.. Partners should be able to download a copy then (not customers/end users). I've NOT heard when the dvd's will be available but I'd expect it to take several weeks (a month or so) for them to be sent out. -- rjl |
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Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 02 Aug 07 3:41 PM
NOT enough!
.. sorry.... Issues w/rescheduling (we no longer have "roll-over" .. we have re-scheduling...) ..user options as to what is displayed in activity reminder. ..major problems on the global activity events.. they just were not working right overall.. .. rjl |
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Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 13 Aug 07 2:30 PM
Bob, When I couldn't find the download Friday afternoon on FTP, I asked support to confirm that it had released. Scott Viverito came back after about 5 min and said that he couldn't verify it had released.
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 13 Aug 07 2:43 PM
Originally posted by Michael Rogers
Bob, When I couldn't find the download Friday afternoon on FTP, I asked support to confirm that it had released. Scott Viverito came back after about 5 min and said that he couldn't verify it had released.
It definitely was released (gold) on Friday, although it was not moved to the standard download location until today. |
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Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 15 Aug 07 6:16 AM
Originally posted by Dave McGill
I don't see it on the support site. I'm assuming because you're a BP, that you've got access to it before the customers. Any idea when it will be available for customers? |
The full install of SalesLogix is not ever put up on the support website.
Partners (BP's & TP's) have access to a couple of locations for a full download: a - If in beta.. there's a beta location b - After general release there's a general release area.
Been this way for a long time. -- rjl |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 15 Aug 07 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Dave McGill
I don't see it on the support site. I'm assuming because you're a BP, that you've got access to it before the customers. Any idea when it will be available for customers? |
Basically, when the software goes gold, SLX makes it immediately available to BP via their FTP server. You usually don't see it on the support site until the disks ship (which IIRC will be around Aug 21st?)
-Ryan |
Re: Official release date for SalesLogix 7.2 announced
Posted: 16 Aug 07 6:34 AM
Originally posted by Ryan Farley
Basically, when the software goes gold, SLX makes it immediately available to BP via their FTP server. You usually don't see it on the support site until the disks ship (which IIRC will be around Aug 21st?)
-Ryan |
There will be a 7.2 "category added.. but the actual 7.2 "image" is NOT made available to for downloading. Customers have to: A - Wait for their DVD OR B - Get a copy from their BP. -- rjl |
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