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3 articles found

fiogf49gjkf0dhttp://slxdn.saleslogix.com/" target=_blank>SalesLogix Developers Network
The SalesLogix Developers Network is a place built by SalesLogix to provide a place where Business Partners can exchange samples, bundles, or other items. (Business Partner login required)
Submitted By: Ryan Farley - 11/19/2002

fiogf49gjkf0dhttp://support.saleslogix.com/" target=_blank>SalesLogix Support Site
The SalesLogix Support site is always a great place to download the newest service packs, hotfixes, etc, or even SalesLogix SDK's. Get access to the SalesLogix Knowledge Base here. (Business Partner login required)
Submitted By: Ryan Farley - 11/19/2002

fiogf49gjkf0dnews://news.saleslogix.com" target=_blank>Business Partner Newsgroups
The SalesLogix Business Partner Newsgroups is the best place around to get the inside secrets from other SalesLogix Business Partners. If you're not in the newsgroups, you'll be left in the dark! (Business Partner login required)
Submitted By: Ryan Farley - 11/19/2002


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