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Post Deletion?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 01 Jun 06 8:35 AM
adderall and weed together adderall weed hallucinations read fiogf49gjkf0d Hey Ryan,
How about the ability for someone to delete their post, or even the thread originator to delete thier own thread. I would assume that any such ability would be restricted either after a certian period of time, or if there had been replys to the post/thread...
Re: Post Deletion?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 01 Jun 06 12:16 PM
prednisolon prednisolon kol fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Jason,
I've been toying with that idea, but it does get more complicated when the post has replies etc. As the site admin I do have the ability to delete posts but have never had to so far. Since the threaded/tree view relies on a parent post ID that would sort of get screwed up if the parent post no longer existed. I probably will add that in at some point for posts that have no replies yet.
-Ryan |
Re: Post Deletion?![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 07 Jun 06 2:57 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d [This post has been deleted.]
[Actually, it was edited to be replaced with "[This post has been deleted.]".]
[No, actually this is my original post. Just making a point, though, that the Edit link does work.]
[Unfortunately, the Refrain From Posting and Refrain From Saying Something Incredibly Stupid options only work somewhat, which is where I struggle most. I think I can settle with the Edit option as long as "Quote" isn't used in replies.] |
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