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 Author  Thread: Drag/Drop Desired Group into window
Michael Lupino
Posts: 46
Drag/Drop Desired Group into windowYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 12 Oct 09 3:41 PM
I had a cool thought this week about groups. It was be nice if the ability existed to take a group and physically dock it into a horizontal pane.

Eg. Open a pane and take the group "tab" and drag it into what appears to be a configurable grid. The grid would call the layout from the group that was dragged in and would display the information horizontally (think of contacts or opportunities grid)

I know you have the ability to do a split pane view in LAN but the number of fields you can see are limited (without taking up alot of screen real estate). Sometimes its nice to see some record detail but bring in some fields from a group.
RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Drag/Drop Desired Group into windowYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 14 Oct 09 12:12 PM

We know how to identify which base table you are on....
the SQL statement to create the group,
TACO_Entity = application.MainViews.ActiveView.BaseTable
TACO_SQL = application.MainViews.ActiveView.CurrentGroupSQL

and the Selected ID's in the group. (from DEVLOGIX!)
dim i, FullIDs ' string which contains final list of IDs
FullIDs = ""
for i=0 to application.MainViews.ActiveView.GroupsPane.Selection.count - 1
FullIDs = FullIDs & "','" & application.MainViews.ActiveView.GroupsPane.Selection.item(i)
Next application.GlobalInfo.Add "ListofSelectedAccountIDsfromAccountGroupsPane", FullIDs
Application.Debug.WriteLine FullIDS

We know how to start with a blank grid on a tab
and add columns as needed based on the select statement......

don't know about the 'drag and drop' capability.....but we certainly have the ability to script a button on a tab pane form that would do all of the above and fill in a grid.

OK, I've got a working solution.
1. Create a script to capture the group SQL, basetable, and Selected ID's in GlobalInfo variables. You could also F8 the current view and 'navigate' to the tab in question.

2. create a popupmenu entry in the Main View object's GroupsPane that calls the script in #1.
(basically you have to capture the data at the ListView level, as soon as you drill down to an individual account your selection is down to that one account!).

3. Create a form with a blank grid on it.

4. process the 3 globalinfo variables ( I did it based on a button click):

If BaseTable not ACCOUNT then exit

If LEN(ListofIDS) < 12 then exit

Take the SQL, hunt for WHERE and Order By Clauses
build an IN statement and rebuild the SQL in between the end of the FROM/Where the where clause should be (or is) and before the Order By clause). This took 4 IF statements and INSTR.

5. use Ryan's technique for building a grid dynamically on the fly.

Took just over an hour to get up a demo solution.


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