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Google Newsreader
Posted: 13 Feb 07 10:59 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Ryan,
I am now using the Google reader which I like because I dont need to install any apps, I can read the rss feed from any machine, and it remembers what I have read (in theory). I am only using a single machine but for some reason posts that I have flagged as read are coming back as unread. I do not know if this is a Google problem or a slxdeveloper.com problem.
I originally suspected that I needed to change my IE settings but the behavior is sort of random. It is not like Google forgets ALL the posts that I have flagged as read and shows me 100% of the posts from this site. I dont see a pattern. To mimic the behavior you just need to list all of the posts from this site, click the "mark all as read" link, and then come back a few hours later. Some of the old posts will be included.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Timmus |
Re: Google Newsreader
Posted: 13 Feb 07 11:11 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Hi Timmus,
I've used the Google Reader when I am at a machine without a aggregator installed but haven't noticed anything weird (It's been pretty minimal use though)
I'll test things out and see what I find. I'll keep you posted. Thanks. |
Re: Google Newsreader
Posted: 16 Feb 07 12:39 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d It seems to be behaving as expected the past couple of days. I am not sure what the hiccup could have been. I figured I would just ask in case it was a known issue. 
Thank you Ryan!
Timmus |
Re: Google Newsreader
Posted: 16 Feb 07 1:29 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Hey Timmus, that is good to hear. I've been testing the Google Reader with the feed to see what I could find and hadn't noticed anything weird - so glad it's working now for you.
-Ryan |
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