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I can't select a starting hour in the list on my activity pannel...jeanne0230020 Oct 17 2:14 AM
Populate two fields based on lookupPaula Shuler0230027 Jun 17 2:38 PM
Paula Shuler 
Data Grid Combobox value changes to wrong valueVaughn Poulson0246428 Apr 17 8:52 AM
Vaughn Poulson 
Tables in Query of LAN script suddenly expecting sysdba as prefix after updating to 8.3mark1303821 Dec 16 6:27 AM
Steve Robertson 
Deleting records from proprietary tablesStephen Murray1279526 Nov 16 12:09 PM
Walter Shpuntoff 
Salelsogix 8.3 LAN Client Multi Language Support mark1264717 Nov 16 5:16 PM
SLX Rounding AlgorithimVaughn Poulson3308521 Sep 16 8:35 AM
Steve Robertson 
Adding record to a sub table?Paula Shuler1364417 Jun 16 9:01 AM
Lee Harris 
Duplicate ActivitiesPaula Shuler5290431 Mar 16 9:25 PM
Kelly Felz 
SQL in script problem - Part 2Andrew Grandin7335529 Feb 16 3:34 PM
Gopinath Srinivasan 
Activities View in SaleslogixGopinath Srinivasan2277126 Feb 16 12:16 PM
Gopinath Srinivasan 
Linking the ScrollBox and custom ScrollBarsDavid0271710 Feb 16 10:33 AM
Forcing users to update two fields when they open a contact in detail view.SLX_Novice16341428 Jan 16 6:03 AM
Lee Harris 
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