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 Author  Thread: Enhancing the Contact Lookup
Chris Fleetwood
Posts: 35
Enhancing the Contact LookupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 17 May 06 2:29 PM

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This question pertains to Salelogix v6.2 SP3.

I would like to enhance the contact lookup to search by last name/first initial. When I look at the Standard toolbar to figure out how the current Contact Lookup menu items were set up, I noticed the "Advanced Contact" lookup menu item. It appears to be the place where any change I have in mind should be made. When I look at the toolbar in Architect, it shows as being defined with an argument of:
What does this mean? I'm trying to find the form that is invoked by this argument/call. I'm thinking I ought to be able to add some additional fields/code to the script behind this form to handle a search by last name/first initial. Is this possible or are the lookup forms not available for modification? Is the Lookup "view" and any arguments it calls not updateable? Or is my approach completely "off the mark"? Any insights would, of course, be greatly appreciated.

I have tried creating a lookup called LNameFirstInit in Manage Lookups within Architect. I've tried using a Calculated Field to define the lastname/first initial search with this code inside the calculated field:

Contact.Lastname + ' ' + substring(Contact.Firstname,1,1)

I then referenced this lookup from the Standard Toolbar in the same way as the current Contact lookups. Then I refreshed the Saleslogix client and I saw the new menu item reflected in the toolbar. However, when I clicked on it, it displayed an error message with an error code of -1.

Although this is not currently working, I do believe that I am on the right track. I think the problem here is how I am trying to use the calculated field. Is this approach anywhere in the ballpark or am I completely out in left field? Again, any insights would be greatly appreciated.
Chris Fleetwood
Posts: 35
Re: Enhancing the Contact LookupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 May 06 9:01 AM
FYI ---- I was able to resolve this problem through another approach. We use a contact entry application called PowerEntry (developed by QGate) that provides (among other things) a contact last name/first initial lookup within Saleslogix. Since we can immediately invoke PowerEntry within Saleslogix using the INS key, this give users direct access to that contact lookup (which is executed by hitting Alt/F). This is a better (and currently available) approach than trying to modify the standard Saleslogix lookup. It's also cleaner since the users are utilizing it anyway as they enter new contacts.

Issue resolved.
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