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 Author  Thread: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work around
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Jun 06 3:57 PM
Has anyone come up with a work around for this action violation. My users are so used to using tab in other apps that they by habit use it in SLX. Maybe a quick way to disable the TAB keypress on this form?
Ryan Farley
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Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 08 Jun 06 10:03 PM

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So what is the defect?
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 8:24 AM


Sorry Ryan, this is the ID info from SLX. It is actually more wide spread than this write up explains as per my notes below.

Internal Defect # 1-36041
Ver_Found: SLX - 6.2
Ver_TBF: Scorpion
Ver_Fixed: Scorpion
Product: SLX Sales
Date_Created: 2004_10_12
Last_Updated: 2006_02_10
STATUS: Fixed (Tech claims fixed in ver 7 with no update if it will be for any future SP on 6.2)
Module: Opportunities (LAN)
Access violation when adding opportunity products in a specific sequence
Description: This defect was reported by a customer, and I have been able to reproduce intermittently on every version of Slx from 6.2 up.

Access violation at address
in module 'SLXCON~1.OCX'. Read of address 00000000.

Steps to repro:

1) log into sales client as admin or any user
2) open detail view for any open opportunity (actually occurs any way that you get to the Add Opp Product form)
3) click the Products tab
4) RMB in grid, Add Product
5) in the Add Opp Product view, double-click any product in the left pane to add it to the grid (don't use Add button)
6) click in the qty field of the new product, change the amount, then hit TAB (actually happens if you change the adjprice also)
**this is where it gets intermittent***
If after you hit TAB the line remains hi-lighted, then go back to step 6, and add another product from the list
If after you hit TAB the line is NO LONGER hi-lighted, then continue....
7) doubleclick another product into the list, notice the quantity for the previously added product reverts back to 1
8) click on any product in the datagrid, above error should pop

They only thing I can think of that might work is if I could somehow block the tab key on this form only but not sure how to do that. This problem is really killing me here since mos users are in a habit of using tab even though I keep telling them to mouse click and each time they do it they open another work order (1-3 per week) crying about loosing their work and getting this error.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 12:01 PM
If that's the response and error it sounds like there's an issue with the datagrid control, which would have to be fixed in a major upgrade I think (control updates have rarely ever made it into a service pack). That said it seems like there is a workaround highlighted here:
Originally posted by David Nunnally
**this is where it gets intermittent***
If after you hit TAB the line remains hi-lighted, then go back to step 6, and add another product from the list
If after you hit TAB the line is NO LONGER hi-lighted, then continue....

The key seems to be to make sure the line is highlighted but I don't know if there's a way to do it programmatically as it sounds like it doesn't enter or exit a field in the grid when the line ISN'T highlighted. Alternatively you could try to make a check on the DoubleClick event that says "If the line isn't highlighted, error gracefully until a user clicks on the field or if possible programmatically highlight the field and then call the add routine".

The good news is this is a bug in the control that is fixed in the next version but I believe there is a workaround if you're willing to go that route. Having never customized the Opp Product grid I couldn't begin to test my theories but I'm almost positive you can work around the bug in the control by trying to assure it never gets to that buggy state.
David Nunnally
Posts: 206
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 12:14 PM

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The section you quoted is not a work around but rather a disclaimer. In otherwords, if you press the tab key and the grid line remains in focus (ie. highlighted) then all is good. If it does not stay in focus when the tab key is pressed then SLX bombs and you are restarting the process. The only work around is to NOT press the TAB key but rather use the mouse. But that is where we have our problem. Our users have been using 2 other apps for years where they must use tab so it is a trained response for them. It is fixed in Scorpion (ie. v7) but we will not be alotted resources to upgrade for some time after it is released. So I am left to try to come up with some kind of programmatic work around to reduce/eliminate this .OCX error so any help would be appreciated. Manaufacturing is doing about 30 custom systems each week with anywhere from 7 to 24 products in each system so this problem is going to get worse.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 1:19 PM
That quote may be a disclaimer but it also told where the error happened exactly. Also 7 and 8 are crucial as they indicate it doesn't bomb because of the tab but events that follow trigger it. Of course having never seen the problem in action I'm only going by the description but that is what I read into it.

If you can make sure the control is highlighted before tab is pressed that would be one solution and the other would be not to use tab at all. Most forms aren't built by default with tab in mind even though they have tab indexes and all of that. Controls don't always return focus to the correct "next event" item and there are cases where you have to code the correct focus sequence for tab to function completely through the entire process.

Looking through the code the Add and TreeDblClick events do the exact same thing with the possible difference being what is returned by DoGridCalculations. Another thing that stands out is the grdProductsEdited and Editing events as Edited calls DoGridCalculations and Editing calls PrdGridCommonOnEditingEvents. Lastly the grdProducts.Selection.Add(PrimaryKeyValue) call in grdProductsEdited may be what is changing the focus and may be doing so incorrectly under certain conditions.

If this is 6.2.3 the SLX Profiler may be of some help to see if there is any data issues returning from the database. It would also be a good tool to profile what happens when the control borks as it may be a footprint to use to identify the problem.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 1:27 PM
I believe I notice the pattern now. grdProductsEdited is only fired if the grid has focus. When you click the QTY field grdProductsEditing is called but if focus is not present then the corresponding grdProductsEdited event is NOT fired, causing the recordset to bork. The profiler would be a good way of telling if this in fact does happen as DoGridCalculations in grdProductsEdited should make changes to the database which at the very least will trigger some SQL commands. If those SQL commands are not being done then you at least know what needs to happen to finish the sequence. The hard part is going to be making sure that sequence completes 100% of the time.
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
Top 10 forum poster: 491 posts
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 Jun 06 1:49 PM

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Sorry for the flood but I just read 6.2.2. I have SP3 in my dev environment and I was going to devote some time to reproducing the problem sometime this weekend. The problem should exist until v7 so I should be able to do the profiler work to try to notice the pattern. I'll monitor the thread and report back if I can find a way around this.
Mark Mazzitello
Posts: 14
Re: 6.2.2 Defect 1-36041 work aroundYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 Dec 06 10:33 AM
I get this same access violation error also very intermittently, and we don't even use Opportunity Products. It happens on my administrative workstation about once per day, but always in the Sales Client application. I have also noticed that when it does happen it coincides with a slew of dll errors from Outlook 2003 at the same time. The only cure I have found for when this happens is to close all applications and in some cases reboot Windows.
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