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Dynamic Picklist Population![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 18 Aug 06 3:15 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d On the Opportunity Detail screen I have added a picklist field with the picklistName of Business Unit. This is not tied to a database field. Next on the screen is the Opp Product field which is tied to Opportunity.SubType. A request came in to add the Business Unit field to this screen and to allow the Opp Product picklist to display only products associated with the selected Business Unit. For various reasons, I cannot use multiple picklists to create the heirarchy of the relationship between these two fields. So, I have written code to dynamically populate a picklist (Dynamic Opp Product) based on the Business Unit Picklist and the Opp Products picklist. When I click on the Business Unit button to get the associated picklist, I select one value and then click the button on the Opp Products field. The Opp Products field picklist is then populated with only those products associated with the selected Business unit. However, this only works on the first time that I come into SLX. If I scroll to the next Opp record and select a business unit, the previous Opp Product list comes up even though the values (via QA) are set to the current business unit's opp products. I have to select an invalid Opp Product, which then changes the Opp Product.Text = "", then click on the elipses button again to get the correct corresponding Opp Product picklist. I am not sure where/what I need to do to get the picklist to "refresh". Any thoughts/suggestions?
Here is my coding; the SetBusinessUnit function is used to set the BU appropriately when scrolling through Opps since the Business Unit is not tied to a specific field in the database. That part works slick!
Sub AXFormChange(Sender) strCrntOppID = frmOpportunityDetail.CurrentID Application.BasicFunctions.ProcessWindowMessages 'This call is used because the browser control will sometimes 'returen invalid character to the HTML property causing the 'browser control to come up blank.
If strCrntOppID = "" then 'Global is needed because the OppID gets cleared if Insert Opp is called from the Account View strCrntOppID = Application.BasicFunctions.GlobalInfoFor("OppID") 'DNL Application.BasicFunctions.GlobalInfoClear "OppID" 'DNL End If
LoadSnapShot SetDateFormat SetColorForStatus pnlSnapShot.Enabled = Not pklStatus.ReadOnly
if pklOppProduct.Text <> "" then SetBusinessUnit else pklBusUnit.Text = "" end if End Sub
Sub SetBusinessUnit dim rs dim strOppProdTC dim strBusUnitPID
set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs.activeconnection = application.GetNewConnection
rs.open "Select ShortText From Picklist Where Text = '" & pklOppProduct.Text & "' and picklistid in (select itemID from picklist where text = 'Opp Products')"
strOppProdTC = rs.Fields("ShortText").Value
rs.close set rs = nothing
set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs.activeconnection = application.GetNewConnection
rs.open "Select ItemID From PickList Where Text = 'Business Unit'"
strBusUnitPID = rs.Fields("ItemID").Value
rs.close set rs = nothing
set rs = createobject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs.activeconnection = application.GetNewConnection
rs.Open "Select Text from PickList where PickListID = '" & strBusUnitPID & "' and ShortText = '" & strOppProdTC & "'"
pklBusUnit.Text = rs.fields("Text").Value
rs.close set rs = nothing
End Sub
'SRS 8/2006 Created to dynamically populate a picklist from another picklist Sub BuildPickList(ByVal strListName, ByVal strTableName, ByVal strFieldName, ByVal intIncrement)
Dim strSQL dim strDynamicPID dim intRecCount dim intSeqNO dim i dim strValue dim strPID dim objRS, objOppProdRS
set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set objRS.ActiveConnection = Application.GetNewConnection
'Get the ItemID for the Given Picklist Name strSQL = "Select ItemID From PickList Where Text = '" & strListName & "'"
objRS.Open strSQL
if objRS.RecordCount = 0 then msgbox "PickList name " & strListName & " not found." else strDynamicPID = objRS.Fields("ItemID").Value end if
objRS.Close set objRS = nothing
'Get new items to populate picklist set objRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set objRS.ActiveConnection = Application.GetNewConnection set objOppProdRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set objOppProdRS.ActiveConnection = Application.GetNewConnection objOppProdRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient objOppProdRS.LockType = adLockBatchOptimistic objOppProdRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic
if pklBusUnit.TextCode = "" then MsgBox "No value selected. Please select the appropriate Business Unit." pklBusUnit.SetFocus pklBusUnit.Popup exit sub else strSQL = "Select " & strFieldName & ", ShortText From " & strTableName & " Where ShortText = '" & pklBusUnit.TextCode & _ "' And PickListID = (Select ItemID From PickList Where Text = 'Opp Products')" end if
objRS.Open strSQL
if objRS.RecordCount = 0 then MsgBox "No value selected. Please select the appropriate Business Unit." pklBusUnit.SetFocus exit sub end if
intSeqNo = intIncrement
'Clear the old picklist
Application.GetNewConnection.Execute "Delete From Picklist Where PickListID = '" & strDynamicPID & "'"
'Populate the new picklist For i = 1 to objRS.RecordCount strValue = objRS.Fields(strFieldName).Value
objOppProdRS.Open "Select * from Picklist where PickListID = '" & strDynamicPID & "'"
strPID = Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor("PickList") objOppProdRS("PickListID") = strDynamicPID objOppProdRS("ItemID") = strPID objOppProdRS("ID") = cStr(intSeqNo) objOppProdRS("Text") = strValue objOppProdRS("ShortText") = objRS.Fields("ShortText").Value objOppProdRS("UserID") = "ADMIN" objOppProdRS("DefaultIndex") = "-1"
objRS.MoveNext intSeqNo = intSeqNo + intIncrement Next objRS.Close
set objRS = nothing set objOppProdRS = nothing End Sub
Sub pklBusUnitChange(Sender) Call BuildPicklist("Dynamic Opp Product","PickList","Text",1) End Sub
Re: Dynamic Picklist Population![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 19 Aug 06 5:18 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d Is there any reason you cant use a Dropdown listbox instead. It will save you some coding. Otherwise I think you will have to force a full database refresh (Ctrl-F5) to get the picklist to update.
Just a thought.
Brian Segers |
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