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 Author  Thread: Opportunity Changes, How do I switch my current view to match the opportunity?
Douglas Walker
Posts: 27
Opportunity Changes, How do I switch my current view to match the opportunity?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 26 Jul 11 10:52 AM

As the title suggests:

I am using a lookup to grab a different opportunity (based on a custom field), and the Opportunity Detail view automatically changes..

The issue is that this lookup (invoked by a button), happens on a different form, and the view on this form does not change. 


I need to be able to change the current view to match the new opportunity that the user has selected.


Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Douglas Walker
Posts: 27
Re: Opportunity Changes, How do I switch my current view to match the opportunity?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Aug 11 8:09 AM

Ok, I found a bit of a work around for this... but I'm still having issues with it. I'm using a global variable to detect if I used the switch accounts button.

Here's my "Switch Accounts" button script on my custom form:

Sub SwitchbuttonClick(Sender)
    Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Lookup", "Opportunity:Sbg Managers.Act Num"
    Application.GlobalInfo.Add "OpenDeposit", "Y"
    ModalResult = MrOK
End Sub

Then I added this to my Main opportunity Screen:

Sub AXFormRefresh(Sender)
    Dim DepOpen
    DepOpen = Application.GlobalInfo.Item ("OpenDeposit")
    If DepOpen = "Y" then
        Application.GlobalInfo.Add "OpenDeposit", "N"
        Application.basicfunctions.DoInvoke "view", "Personal:Deposits Display"
    End If
End Sub

So I got it working now, but it only works every other time I click the button.  so the first time it works as intended (The opportunity changes, then my form closes, and re-opens the my form for the new opportunity). But the second time you click the button, it just closes my form.  It does not change opportunities, and does not re-open my custom form. 

I tried changing the AXFormRefresh to GlobalInfo.Delete instead of Add, but this doesn't work. 


Any ideas?



Douglas Walker
Posts: 27
Re: Opportunity Changes, How do I switch my current view to match the opportunity?Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Aug 11 10:39 AM

If I remove this line in my opportunity screen refresh:

    Application.basicfunctions.DoInvoke "view", "Personal:Deposits Display"

The lookup works correctly, but of course, then my view/Form will never by invoked, so I'm guessing it has something to do with this line.

Edit: I'm guessing that SLX is seeing that I have a loop, and stopping it? 

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