fiogf49gjkf0d This is how I would do it:
a) Create the Grid based on your myItems table (maybe add a condition so that it displays no data).
b) Upon load of your view, build an SQL Statement based on the SQL for the Grid (you could read the one that the view created - e.g. msgbox grid.SQL.Text)
c) Apply your SQL statement to the grid (since yours would have the necessary WHERE clause) and refresh it
strSQL = grid1.SQL.Text
strSQL = Replace(strSQL, "myItemsID = "xxxx", "") 'Sample of how I would remove my grid condition to keep it blank until I load the correct data
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE ITEMNBRS IN ('123', '234', '3343', '334') " ' These would be the IDs just retreived from the List Box
myGrid.SQL.Text = strSQL 'Replace the SQL Statement on the Grid with the one I created
myGrid.Refresh ' Refresh the grid, it should now show myItems data based on the Where clause I added |