fiogf49gjkf0d Things to verify:
- Before you Add the Report to SalesLogix, make sure that you select the Correct Driver
- Once the Report is inside SalesLogix, SalesLogix will provide the Connection String based on the Current User. It will not use Integrated Security, as SalesLogix doesn't use Integrated Security.
- If the Report runs for Admin, but not for other users, it may be due to the Security Parsing.
For Example, if I log into SalesLogix and run the following query: SELECT * FROM CONTACT, SalesLogix passes that Query As Is to the Database.
However, if I am logged in as a User, SalesLogix will Parse that Statement and modify it to apply security. The Statement will most likely convert to "SELECT * FROM CONTACT_ WHERE ACCESSID_ = 'THEUSERID'
The more tables that are joined into the Statement, the more complex it becomes after Security is applied.
You should use the SLX Profiler and then run the report.
Pay attention to the Error Log and identify those Queries that fail to Parse. More than likely you will be able to see the SQL Statement as Written and the Statement as sent to the Database.
This will help you identify those queries that may be failing, and help you find a Solution.