fiogf49gjkf0d Hi all
SLX LAN v7.2.1
I have a datagrid whose data (CustomerID, ItemNumber, ReportYear, Eaches) is obtained from myTableA. The end user selects 2 years from to comboboxes (cmbYear1 and cmbYear2). I can make the datagrid show the data like this:
How can I get it to do this:
It will basically put the eaches for the 2 years as columns. We want to be able to see the eaches for the 2 years they choose side by side. Any idea how I can do this?
Below is the code I used to build the datagrid for the first example.
<p>Dim strSQL_Yearly Dim col_Yearly Dim i_Yearly
With Datagrid1
strSQL_Yearly = "SELECT sysdba.myTableA.CustomerID, sysdba.myTableA.ItemNumber, sysdba.myTableA.REPORTEDYEAR , SUM(sysdba.myTableA.EACHES) AS Total_Eaches FROM sysdba.myTableA WHERE (sysdba.myTableA.REPORTEDYEAR = '" & cmbYear1.Text & "') OR (sysdba.myTableA.REPORTEDYEAR = '" & cmbYear2.Text & "') GROUP BY sysdba.myTableA.CustomerID, sysdba.myTableA.ItemNumber, sysdba.myTableA.REPORTEDYEAR"
.SQL.Text = strSQL_Yearly
With .Columns
If (.Count > 0) Then
For i_Yearly = 0 To .Count - 1
.Item(0).Delete Next
End If
Set col_Yearly = .Add(0) col_Yearly.FieldName = "CustomerID" col_Yearly.Caption = "Customer Number" col_Yearly.Readonly = True col_Yearly.Width = 90 col_Yearly.Alignment = 2 col_Yearly.Alignment = 2 col_Yearly.HeaderAlignment = 2
Set col_Yearly = .Add(0) col_Yearly.FieldName = "ItemNumber" col_Yearly.Caption = "Item Number" col_Yearly.Readonly = True col_Yearly.Width = 90 col_Yearly.Alignment = 2 col_Yearly.HeaderAlignment = 2
Set col_Yearly = .Add(0) col_Yearly.FieldName = "ReportedYear" col_Yearly.Caption = "Year" col_Yearly.Readonly = True col_Yearly.Width = 90 col_Yearly.Alignment = 2 col_Yearly.HeaderAlignment = 2
Set col_Yearly = .Add(0) col_Yearly.FieldName = "Total_Eaches" col_Yearly.Caption = "Eaches" col_Yearly.Readonly = True col_Yearly.Width = 90 col_Yearly.Alignment = 2 col_Yearly.HeaderAlignment = 2
End With
End With |