fiogf49gjkf0d Yes, the fix fix is simple:
Open the script "System:ACI Support"
On or around Line 90 - change this
'If strSQL is empty then text does not need to match<br /> If Not IsEmpty(strSQL) Then set objRS = objCommand.Execute(iRecords, , adOptionUnspecified) If Not (objRS.BOF And objRS.EOF) Then If objRS.RecordCount = 1 Then Sender.Text = objRS.Fields(0).Value Else Sender.Text = Empty ValidateACIValue = False End If Else Sender.Text = Empty ValidateACIValue = False End If objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing End If
to this:
<p> 'If strSQL is empty then text does not need to match If Not IsEmpty(strSQL) Then set objRS = objCommand.Execute(iRecords, , adOptionUnspecified) If Not (objRS.BOF And objRS.EOF) Then If objRS.RecordCount >= 1 Then ' Only finds one record in previous example. Adjust to find more than one. Sender.Text = objRS.Fields(0).Value Else Sender.Text = Empty ValidateACIValue = False End If Else Sender.Text = Empty ValidateACIValue = False End If objRS.Close Set objRS = Nothing End If Regards Mike |