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 Author  Thread: Format String to have a thousand separator ,
Posts: 246
Format String to have a thousand separator ,Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 14 Feb 12 12:32 PM

Hi all.

What's the format string for having a number with a thousand separator (i.e. 55,655,000)?


What FormatType should it be? ftInteger?


Thank you in advance!

John H. Hedges
Posts: 62
Re: Format String to have a thousand separator ,Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 15 Feb 12 1:45 AM
I'm going to assume you're trying to get numbers to display a certain way in an edit control in the SalesLogix LAN client, v.6.2 or higher.

If you use ftInteger, you'll get whatever the integer format is in the machine's Windows Regional Settings control panel, which usually includes thousand separators. You can also try setting FormatType to ftFixed, and set FormatString to "%0.0n", but that just does the same thing in nearly all cases.

If you're having some sort of problem with people removing the thousand-separators from their default number format in Windows Regional Settings, and you can't set up a network policy or something to prevent them from doing that (and why would they?), then you could set FormatType to ftNone and write some VBScript code to do it, adding handlers for the WhenEnterControl and WhenExitControl events of the edit-box, and also a handler for AXFormValidate if it's a data form of some kind (to ensure that you don't try to store into a numeric field without first removing the commas).

That hardly seems like it should be necessary, though.
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