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 Author  Thread: Add each checklistbox value into a text field
Posts: 246
Add each checklistbox value into a text fieldYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Mar 12 8:33 AM

Hi all. We have SLX LAN v7.2.1.

I'm working with the checklistbox control (it has 4 values to choose from: A, B, C, D) and I'm trying to figure out a way to add the checklistbox values (that are checked by the end user) into a text field (mytext). The code below is what I have so far. I would like to add each value into mytext like this:

If there's just one value checked then = A

If there's 2 values checked then = A, B

If there's 3 values checked then = A, B, C

and if there's 4 values checked then = A, B, C, D

I would add the comma depending on how many values were checked in (if there was one then no comma). Any idea how I can do this? For now there will be 4 values, but in the future there could be 10, 20 , 30 so I would like to create script that will count how many are checked and from there know how many commas to add. Below is the script that I have so far, it inserts each value into a table (used for other purposes) but I'm missing the part where I want to fill in the text field (mytext) on the form.

Thank you in advance!


'See how many checkboxes are filled in''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''



    For i = 0 to CheckListBox1.Items.Count- 1

        If CheckListBox1.Checked(i) = True then


         End If



'This if-else checks to see if the end user filled in a product line checkbox.


    If j=0 then 'The end user did not fill in a checkbox

        Msgbox("You must select a product line")

    Else    'The end user filled in a checkbox, proceed to inserting into the C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES table

        Set cn = Application.GetNewConnection

            For i = 0 to CheckListBox1.Items.Count- 1

            If CheckListBox1.Checked(i) = True then

                sql_productlines="Insert into C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES (C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINESID, C_PROMO_HEADER_ACCOUNTID, CREATEUSER,CREATEDATE, PRODUCTLINE) VALUES ('" &  Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor("C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES") & "', '" & txtPromoHeaderID.Text  & "' ,'" & Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID & "','" & NOW & "' ,'" & CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i) & "')"

                cn.Execute sql_productlines

            End If  'Finish inserting into the C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES table



    End If  ' End of the if-else that checks to see if the end user filled in a product line checkbox.




Posts: 246
Re: Add each checklistbox value into a text fieldYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Mar 12 10:02 AM

I think I got it to work! I replaced the commas for AND:




'This if-else checks to see if the end user filled in a product line checkbox.


    If j=0 then 'The end user did not fill in a checkbox

        Msgbox("You must select a product line")

    Else    'The end user filled in a checkbox, proceed to inserting into the C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES table

    txtProductLineString.Text = ""

        If j = 1 Then

            Set cn = Application.GetNewConnection

            For i = 0 to CheckListBox1.Items.Count- 1

                If CheckListBox1.Checked(i) = True then

                    sql_productlines="Insert into C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES (C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINESID, C_PROMO_HEADER_ACCOUNTID, CREATEUSER,CREATEDATE, PRODUCTLINE) VALUES ('" &  Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor("C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES") & "', '" & txtPromoHeaderID.Text  & "' ,'" & Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID & "','" & NOW & "' ,'" & CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i) & "')"

                    cn.Execute sql_productlines

                    txtProductLineString.Text = CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i)

                End If  'Finish inserting into the C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES table



            Set cn = Application.GetNewConnection

            For i = 0 to CheckListBox1.Items.Count- 1

                If CheckListBox1.Checked(i) = True then

                    sql_productlines="Insert into C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES (C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINESID, C_PROMO_HEADER_ACCOUNTID, CREATEUSER,CREATEDATE, PRODUCTLINE) VALUES ('" &  Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor("C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES") & "', '" & txtPromoHeaderID.Text  & "' ,'" & Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID & "','" & NOW & "' ,'" & CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i) & "')"

                    cn.Execute sql_productlines

                      If txtProductLineString.Text = "" Then

                            txtProductLineString.Text =CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i)


                            txtProductLineString.Text = txtProductLineString.Text & " AND " & CheckListBox1.Items.Item(i)

                        End If

                End If  'Finish inserting into the C_PROMO_PRODUCTLINES table


        end if

    End If  ' End of the if-else that checks to see if the end user filled in a product line checkbox.




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