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 Author  Thread: Correct cascading rules for a M:M table
Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 12 5:55 AM

Hello folks,

I have a simple requirement for a M:M table "MARKET" that will be linked to "ACCOUNT", using a join-table "ACCOUNT_MARKETS".

Whenever I delete an ACCOUNT, the related ACCOUNT_MARKETS should be deleted, but not the MARKET.
Whenever I delete a MARKET, the related ACCOUNT_MARKETS should be deleted, but not the ACCOUNT.

To achieve this, I have created the relevent tables, and then two joins like this:

Parent Table: Account, Parent Field: AccountID
Child Table: Account Markets, Child Field: AccountID
Type: Left
Cascade: Delete (stop)

Parent Table: Market, Parent Field: MarketID
Child Table: Account Markets, Child Field: MarketID
Type: Left
Cascade: Delete (stop)

However, on my "Manage Markets" view, when I delete a market, the corresponding ACCOUNT_MARKETS records are not deleted.

Should those joins not ensure the data is deleted in the join table?



(Currently using SalesLogix 7.2.1)

RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 12 8:53 AM

SLX has always been AccountID centric.  I also note that you are on buggy version that has had dozens of fixes and a bunch of service packs since.....7.2.1? You've got to be kidding me, it's April 2012.


1. Do the delete's yourself. Turn off the autojoin cascading delete's for this M:M relationship.

2. Don't let SLX delete the item's for you.

3. Script multi level deletes record by record.


When was Application.BasicFunctions.CascadeDelete fixed? This was a hot fix in 7.2.2 right?

Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Re: Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 19 Apr 12 8:56 AM

Yeah, we're well behind. I've been pushing for an update for some time, but we have a lot of customisation and integration, so it's going to be an expensive project.

Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Re: Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 12 9:31 AM

I'm looking at implementing my own cascading delete, so I'm trying to hook into the OnDeletedRow event of the datagrid.  How do I get at the ID of the deleted record?



RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 12 9:42 AM

Step 1: turn off the out of the box Delete grid row option

Step 2: add your own Popup Menu option to the grid to handle deleting the 'entity'

Step 3: trap the popup menu option(item caption or item number)

Step 4: get the Id of the selected rows.......(multiselect is always a good thing for the user's???).


Sub dgTerritoryByAccountPopupMenuClick(Sender, Item)
   '''  MsgBox Item.MenuIndex

   '' Account Territory delete row(s) per user selection of grid rows.
    If Item.MenuIndex = 3 Then
        Dim strAccountTerritoryID
        Dim I
        For I = 0 to Sender.Selection.Count - 1
            strAccountTerritoryID = "" &  sender.Selection.Item(I)
            If strAccountTerritoryID > "" Then
                Application.BasicFunctions.CascadeDelete "ACCOUNTTERRITORY", strAccountTerritoryID
                Call cmdSearchClick(cmdSearch)
            End If
        Application.BasicFunctions.RefreshMainView  ''' need to recount Account Territories.
        Exit Sub
    End If

    '' AccountID jump to.
    If Item.MenuIndex = 4 Then
        DIM strAccountID
        strAccountID = sender.getcurrentfield("ACCOUNTID")
        If strAccountID > "" Then
            Application.BasicFunctions.SetCurrentAccountID strAccountID
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Mark Hanford
Posts: 131
Re: Correct cascading rules for a M:M tableYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Apr 12 9:46 AM

Ah, okay thanks. I've used custom menu's like this before so should be able to get that working okay - I was hoping there was a magic way of getting record info out of the event handler.



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