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 Author  Thread: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop Function
Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 12:59 PM

I'm stuggling to update a couple of tables within a Function i've created.

At the moment with the 1st section of code it works as it should and updates the table (see below):


With objRS
.Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection
if .State = 1 Then

Do While(nStart <= nMax)

strCurrentID = Mid(strTempAccIDs, nStart, nEnd-nStart)

.Fields("DCLALLOCHISTID").Value = Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor ("DCLALLOCHIST")
.Fields("ACCOUNTID").Value = strCurrentID
.Fields("CREATEUSER").Value = strCurrUserID
.Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now
.Fields("MODIFYUSER").Value = strCurrUserID
.Fields("MODIFYDATE").Value = Now
.Fields("USERID").Value = strUserID
nStart = nEnd + 1
nEnd = InStr (nStart, strTempAccIDs, ",")
if nEnd = 0 Then
nEnd = nMax + 1
End if
End If
' Write changes back to database and close recordset
End With

However I want to perform another table update within the Function, which I have tried but i'm getting the Either BOF or EOF is True error message.

At the moment I have just added the below code after the above code thinking it would work the same .....but it does'nt...!! - The code below works fine on it's own but not with the code above.


With objRS
.Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection
if .State = 1 Then

Do While(nStart <= nMax)

strCurrentID = Mid(strTempAccIDs, nStart, nEnd-nStart)

.Fields("DCLALLOCHISTID").Value = Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor ("DCLALLOCHIST")
.Fields("ACCOUNTID").Value = strCurrentID
.Fields("CREATEUSER").Value = strCurrUserID
.Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now
.Fields("MODIFYUSER").Value = strCurrUserID
.Fields("MODIFYDATE").Value = Now
.Fields("USERID").Value = strUserID
nStart = nEnd + 1
nEnd = InStr (nStart, strTempAccIDs, ",")
if nEnd = 0 Then
nEnd = nMax + 1
End if
End If
' Write changes back to database and close recordset
End With

Can anyone help me out as to where the 2nd code should be placed?
Would it be somewhere within the 1st code?

All I want it to do is update a coupleof tables within the same Function,looping through the accountids.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 1:26 PM

A few comments:


  Both snippets of code you posted look identical, are you trying to insert 2 rows into the Same Table?


  Also, seems like strTempAccIDs contains a string of comma delimited Account IDs. Wouldn't it be best to use the Split method and convert the string into an Array instead of using the Mid function?



arrAcctIDs = Split(strTempAccIDs, ",")


The you could do something like


Do While i <= UBound(arrAcctIDs)

  acctID = arrAcctIDs(i)   'Your current AccountID


  i = i + 1  'Increate your Index to iterate your Account



Not sure if I am missing anything from the above, are you trying to create more than one record for the Same Account ID on the DCLALLOCHIST table?

One thing that I noticed is that you are calling .Update outside the loop. Maybe you could try doing an UpdateBatch (or call Update within each loop iteration).

Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 1:46 PM

Hi Raul

Thanks for the reply

There are two tables seperate tables that I want to update DCLALLOCHIST and LOA_ALLOCHIST - sorry i pasted the same code in twice...!!

At the moment I just have the first piece of code in place that works fine, I just want to update another table within the same function.

Here is my 2nd code snippet:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM LOA_ALLOCHIST WHERE 1=2"<br />    With objRS
        .Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection
        if .State = 1 Then

            Do While(nStart <= nMax)

                strCurrentID = Mid(strTempAccIDs, nStart, nEnd-nStart)
                .Fields("ACCOUNTID").Value = strCurrentID
                .Fields("USERID").Value = strUserID
                .Fields("USERNAME").Value = "TEST"
                .Fields("SOURCE").Value = "LOA"
                .Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now
                .Fields("TYPE").Value = "LOA"
                .Fields("ADMINID").Value = strUserID

                nStart = nEnd + 1
                nEnd = InStr (nStart, strTempAccIDs, ",")
                if nEnd = 0 Then
                   nEnd = nMax + 1
                End if
        End If
        ' Write changes back to database and close recordset
    End With

As I mentioned the 2nd piece of code works fine on it's own, I just want to update both tables in the same function if possible.



Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 2:45 PM

Are you using the Same Variables?

If so, are you initializing them before each loop?


I would change the code slightly:

a) Use 2 different Variables for the Recordsets

b) Use a Single Loop for the Account IDs:


As per my previous response:

arrAcctIDs = Split(strTempAcctIDs, ",")    'Create an Array of IDs

i = 0

If UBound(arrAcctIDs) > -1  'If there are account IDs on the Array, Initialize your Recordsets

    recTbl1.Open strSQL, connection   'First Table

    recTbl2.Open strSQL2, connection  'Second Table

End If


Do While i <= UBound(arrAcctIDs) 

  strAcctID = arrAcctIDs(i)   'Get an ID from the Array

  If Trim(strAcctID) <> ""   ' Verify it isn't blank

      'Table 1 Add Row





      'Table 2 Add Row




  End If

  i = i + 1



'Close your Recordsets if necessary

  If recTbl1.State = 1 Then


  End If


  If recTbl2.State = 1 Then


  End If

'Cleanup code as necessary

Set recTbl1 = Nothing

Set recTbl2 = Nothing

Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 4:56 PM

Hi Raul

Would it be something like this:



<p class="MsoNormalCxSpFirst" style="line-height: normal;">Dim arrAcctIDs, recTbl1, recTbl2, strSQL2, i


arrAcctIDs = Split(strTempAccIDs, ",")  

i = 0

If UBound(arrAcctIDs) > -1  Then

 recTbl1.Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection


 recTbl2.Open strSQL2, objSLXDB.Connection 


End If

Do While i <= UBound(arrAcctIDs)

  strAcctID = arrAcctIDs(i)  

  If Trim(strAcctID) <> ""   Then


       recTbl1.Fields("DCLALLOCHISTID").Value = Application.BasicFunctions.GetIDFor ("DCLALLOCHIST")

       recTbl1.Fields("ACCOUNTID").Value = strCurrentID

       recTbl1.Fields("CREATEUSER").Value = strCurrUserID

       recTbl1.Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now

       recTbl1.Fields("MODIFYUSER").Value = strCurrUserID

       recTbl1.Fields("MODIFYDATE").Value = Now

       recTbl1.Fields("USERID").Value = strUserID



       recTbl2.AddNew          recTbl2.Fields("ACCOUNTID").Value = strCurrentID

       recTbl2.Fields("USERID").Value = strUserID

       recTbl2.Fields("USERNAME").Value = "TEST"

       recTbl2.Fields("SOURCE").Value = "LOA"

       recTbl2.Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now

       recTbl2.Fields("TYPE").Value = "LOA"

       recTbl2.Fields("ADMINID").Value = strUserID


  End If

  i = i + 1



Raul A. Chavez
Posts: 1300
Top 10 forum poster: 1300 posts
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 12 5:08 PM

Looks good.


However, I noticed that when writing the ACCOUNTID field you are using a Variable called strCurrentID when you probably should be using the strAcctID  (the Current ID as read out of the Array).

That said, it looks as if this should work (off course, you need to define variables and add Error Catching if needed).



RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Updating Multiple Tables Using a loop FunctionYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 10 May 12 7:53 AM

when you have an Open ADO recordset, it's usually best to CLOSE it first, Check the STATE, then reopen it.....then test for EOF

rs.Open 1st Table Record for insert

IF rs.EOF Then rs.AddNew




if rs.State=1 then rs.close

rs.Open 2nd table record for insert

if rs.EOF then rs.AddNew




You were Opening a record set THEN checking the state.....wrong order.....

Also, if you are using TWO tables, you run into issues where the ADO recordset's are different structures.....I usually use another ADO recordset. for a 2nd table. (3rd, 4th, 5th....)

Why are you being so verbose in your code? CreateDate, ModifyDate, CreateUser, ModifyUser usually aren't necessary to code. SLX OLE DB PRovider will populate these for you (and the ID Field but you may need it in subsequent code).

Also if you are working with ONE Table, you can experiment with Update batch and BatchOptimistic cursor settings.....why not inssert 50 records into one recordset\table and the rs.UpdateBatch


Set RS = Nothing....

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