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 Author  Thread: Creating a trigger event on a data grid
Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Creating a trigger event on a data gridYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 May 12 4:35 AM


I have a data grid that can hold multiple order details for the same account. I want to create a trigger so when a status field is set on any of the orders to 'processing' it fires off an activity to the account manager.

I can cope with the firing of the activity but i'm struggling to get my head as to how to automate it.

I'm thinking that I would need to on form change get the unique order ids and status for each order in the data grid and then do some sort of comparison on after post and if anything has changed to 'Processing' to then fire off my activity.

I already achieved something similar on a static field (outside a datagrid), but this time I need to work within the datagrid.

Can I achieve this by using a variable to store the id's and status fields? or is there an easier way of achieving this.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many thanks


RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Creating a trigger event on a data gridYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 31 May 12 8:24 AM

When you go to the Add Edit Sales Order form, capture the Current [old] Status.

When  the User clicks on the Save button, if the status is = 'processed' and it's  different than the old status, then fire off the create activity script.


We don't allow inline editing (too tough to control with the automagic immediate update upon editing by SalesLogix on the single field value....when you know that multiple fields need to be updated in one 'transaction').

Paul Roussell
Posts: 5
Re: Creating a trigger event on a data gridYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Jun 12 1:13 AM

Hi Dave

This requirement is an absolute "sitter" for TaskCentre for SalesLogix.  Please contact your SalesLogix Business Partner if you are an end customer, or search for their local distributor  on the web. 

I think the SQL Trigger tool would be perfect, as it can detect the underlying change in the database, selectively on one or more fields and conditionally on their "before" and "after" values, then trigger emails, further database updates and more. 

The beauty of doing this based on a database trigger is that it will fire no matter what interface was used to do the update, e.g. even if the change occurred on a remote client database and came back to the main database via the Sync Server.

If I can help further, please contact me.


Paul Roussell

Brisbane, Australia.

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