fiogf49gjkf0d I am encountering an odd problem. For every List View, either custom or standard in SLX, if the group has more than 100 records, arrowing down from the top, A-Z or Z-A, moving to the next record stops at about 98 and will not go futher. Sometimes 93 to 99, but no futher. The problem is, when users use the END key, the view vanishes unless they refresh SLX. Also, if sorting using the header row click, the error EOleException: Either BOF or EOF is true appears, "exception location: SalesLogix.exe"
Another clue is that this only occurs with Users, never with Admin.
Is there a way to debug the List View by putting in a STOP on code for a form, and if so, which form.
Not sure where to go with this.
Thanks for any help
Tim Conway |