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 Author  Thread: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.
Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 May 13 9:30 AM


Can any one help me with this........

Is it possible to get the Create temporary group containing all results check box on to a custom lookup?

It's generically in the account lookup etc but i want it on a customised lookup - is this possible?

If this function is only in the .exe code could I recreate with a new form somehow?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
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Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 May 13 10:41 AM

Can you explain a bit more w/examples ? Not quite following you there.

Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 May 13 1:07 PM

Hi, sorry I'll explain in more detail. When you click on the search button on thr account (looking glass) you get your search box appear and at the bottom you get a tick box that says "Create temporary group containing all results " which when you tick it it creates a seperate group containing the search results that you can easily browse through.

Can you get this create temporary group tick box functionality in to a customised lookup?

Normally at the bottom of a customised lookup there is a check box withe "Case sensitive lookup "  can it be customised to include the Create temporay group tick box also?



Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 May 13 3:03 PM

ah yes, see what you mean. Yes, you can do this - compare the options - in FunctionLookupClick (on Account/Conact detail forms):


            Case "cmdParent"  'DNL
                   strLookup = "Account:Account.Account Name"
                   blnUseFunction = False


See the blnUseFunction = False - this sets whether this appears or not.


       If strLookup <> "" Then
          If blnUseFunction Then
             Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Function", "Lookup:" & strLookup  'DNL
             Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Lookup", strLookup  'DNL
          End If
          ErrorCheck Application.Translator.Localize("Error accessing SalesLogix VBScript functions:")
       End If


So, when blnUseFunction = False - then it invokes the Lookup & the lookup (not Function/Lookup). That's all you need to emulate.



Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 May 13 5:26 AM

Hi Mike

Thanks for the reply,

I applied your recommended code and it looked like it worked perfectly as now my custom lookup has the "Create temporary group ...." tick box at the bottom. I can perform a search which brings back the correct customer accounts.....However when I tick the box and click ok it just takes me to a new screen displaying another lookup search for the search field. I thought it would take me straight to the account details as all the other lookups and searches do but it has taken me off to another screen.

Do you have any idea what could cause this and what I need to do to to be able to click it and it take me in to the accounts that are in the temporary group?

Here is your code integrated in to my script.....


Sub Main
        Dim strID, strLookup, blnUseFunction
                   strLookup = "DCLACCELECMPAN:MPANBOTTOM"
                   blnUseFunction = False

        If strLookup <> "" Then
           If blnUseFunction Then
              Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Function", "Lookup:" & strLookup  'DNL
              Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Lookup", strLookup  'DNL
           End If
          ErrorCheck Application.Translator.Localize("Error accessing SalesLogix VBScript functions:")
       End If
      On Error Goto 0
 End Sub




Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 May 13 5:54 AM

I suspect you have somethng "after" whatever it is that is calling this - hence a double lookup.

Why is this in Sub Main ? See below:


btnLookup - has the event OnClick called FunctionLookupClick


Sub FunctionLookupClick
        Dim strID, strLookup, blnUseFunction
                   strLookup = "DCLACCELECMPAN:MPANBOTTOM"
                   blnUseFunction = False

        If strLookup <> "" Then
           If blnUseFunction Then
              Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Function", "Lookup:" & strLookup  'DNL
              Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Lookup", strLookup  'DNL
           End If
          ErrorCheck Application.Translator.Localize("Error accessing SalesLogix VBScript functions:")
       End If
      On Error Goto 0
 End Sub

Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 May 13 9:05 AM

Hi Mike

This is called from a menu where the Action is ActiveScript and the argument is a script with a sub routine on containing the code that you/I provided.

I agree it looks like this is calling something else after the script but I can't see what- there is nothing in the code that calls anything else other than what you wrote above - I just get an invalid record screen and a search box at the top that will allow me to search for the original field which is not what I want. I just want it to take me straight in to the account details as a normal lookup would do.


Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 May 13 9:13 AM

If this is being called from a menu - can't you set the Action to Lookup and the point to your lookup in the Argument ?

make sure the main view has a lookup associated with it (DCLACCELECMPAN:MPANBOTTOM in your case). Then use a menu/navmenu to call this lookup. SLX will then do the lookup and open the main view at the same time (or move to that record if already open).

Dave Cleary
Posts: 61
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 21 May 13 3:50 PM

Hi Mike thanks for all the advice it's now working perfectly...!!

Whilst exploring the lookup area I was thinking about another issue i have been asked to look at which was to disable ctrl-f keyboard click.

I can achieve this by changing the Account:Account lookup which gives me a .exe error but does the job, however this completely disables searching across the whole account entity for everyone. I was wanting something more specific where certain users could search and other couldn't, so I was thinking about a lookup on a menu that I could release to the key personnel that are allowed to search.

I have successfully disabled the Account:Account lookup changing the search field to another field and have created a custom lookup from a view that I created. This view contained the accountid and account name from the account table which I then joined back on to the account table using a local join. I have used the account name field from my view as my new search field. This works to the extent it brings up the lookup and allows me to search for the account but when you select any accounts you get an Exception Access violation.

This isn't a can you do it question as I don't beleive you can ever disable the ctrl-f functionality as I want to, but it' more of a why do I get the access violation on my new lookup which works fine once you bring back the Account:Account lookup.

Would you have any ideas why the Account:Account lookup is so pivotal?

Thanks again for your help on the original matter.


Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 22 May 13 1:58 AM

Good news! I don't think you can remove ctrl+F - as this is bound to the entity you are landed on. Try to pollute that functionality I think, as you have found out, will lead to errors. You might want to look at the lookup View option. With an lookup the last part is the name of a view. This means that you can link a view (as I think you have done). You don't need to join back to account - you start at that level. So, you could create a mini view (small window) that is data bound to the account table (not a managed view) that contains the additional search items - such as company name, type, status etc. You then link this to the lookup for account:account (as the accountid is set from the primaryid of the view).  

Then, when the user presses ctrl+f in account - it should show this view.

Pankaj Phukane
Posts: 33
Re: Create temporary group containing all results check box on new lookup.Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 11 Sep 13 2:33 AM



I am using below code: 


Sub NewLookupClick(Sender) 

On Error Resume Next 

Dim strLookup 

Dim blnUseFunction 


strLookup = "" 

blnUseFunction = False 


strLookup = "GC_ACCOUNT_Z:DataPool:DataPool" 


If strLookup <> "" Then 

If blnUseFunction Then 

Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Function", "Lookup:" & strLookup 'DNL 


Application.BasicFunctions.DoInvoke "Lookup", strLookup 'DNL 

End If 

ErrorCheck Application.Translator.Localize("Error accessing SalesLogix VBScript functions:") 

End If 'if strLookup <> "" 

End Sub 


It is not rasing any error, but how could I get result (ID)? 


Also how could I recognise group creation? 


Appreciating your efforts, 


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