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 Author  Thread: Opening Record from Grid, creating a temporary Group
Posts: 1
Opening Record from Grid, creating a temporary GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 16 Jul 13 4:42 AM

Hi all,

We have a client using SLX 7.5.2, and they recently contacted us regarding what they saw as a bug within SLX; opening an Opportunity record from the Accounts:Opportunities tab will sometimes open a record within a group containing all other Opportunities for the Account, and sometimes not.

Drilling down a little, we have found this Sub within SLX Common:

'Iterates the the grids recordset object to build a list of ID's, then creates a new group based on the list, then displays the current record

'objGrid - Grid object

'strKeyField - Name of the primary KeyField for the grid

'strPlugin - Name of the MainView plugin to be opened

'intMode - Window style the MainView will be opened with

'blnExisting - Specifies whether to open a new instance of the MainView or open an existing instance if exists

Sub OpenMainViewFromGridCrntID(objGrid, strKeyField, strPlugin, intMode, blnExisting)

    const MaxCount = 250 'ShowIDsAsLookupResult API call may fail for counts larger than this. The call creates an in clause with all of the

                         'requested ID's and at some point will be to large for the underlying db provider to handle

    Dim strIDList, strCrntID

    Dim objMainView

    Dim i


    If objGrid.RecordSet.RecordCount > 0 Then

       strCrntID = objGrid.GetCurrentField(strKeyField)

       If intMode = 2 Then

          Set objMainView = Application.MainViews

          For i = 0 To objMainView.Count - 1

              If objMainView.Item(i).CurrentID = strCrntID Then


                 Exit Sub

              End If


          Set objMainView = Application.MainViews.AddEx(strPlugin, intMode, blnExisting, 1, strCrntID, "") 'DNL

          objMainView.CaptionBarVisible = False



          If strCrntID <> "" Then

             If objGrid.Recordset.RecordCount > MaxCount Then

                strIDList = "('" & strCrntID & "')" 'DNL   defect 1-47570


                strIDList = RemoveParenthesisFromStr(GetListFromGridByField(objGrid.Recordset, strKeyField))

            End If

             'We're passing an invalid RecordID so to avoid multiple refreshes to the mainview.

             Application.MainViews.AddEx strPlugin, intMode, blnExisting, 1, "Invalid", ""  'DNL

             Application.MainViews.ActiveView.ShowIDsAsLookupResult strIDList, strCrntID 'DNL

          End If

       End If

    End If

End Sub

The const maxCount is what I find interesting, as it seems to be in there solely to satisfy Oracle constraints when creating IN clauses; the DB provider our client uses is MSSQL 2005. Increasing this value does indeed resolve their issues, but I wanted to know what everyone else's view on this is?

Mike Spragg
Posts: 1226
Top 10 forum poster: 1226 posts
Re: Opening Record from Grid, creating a temporary GroupYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 16 Jul 13 4:59 AM

Yep, we change that all the time to remove it. Safe to do so.

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