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 Author  Thread: Accounting for 'time' differences when comparing dates
Dan Delisle
Posts: 38
Accounting for 'time' differences when comparing datesYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Sep 13 4:23 PM

Hello all,

I have been struggling for awhile now on getting the logic correct for a simple checkbox to get checked. The goal is that if a Ticket gets closed within 24 hours of the date/time it is received then the checkbox should be checked. The part that I am struggling with is how to account for the different ways that times are being displayed and stored in SalesLogix as well as trying to account for weekends. We are using SalesLogix version (LAN) with SQL. For us, Saleslogix is published through Citrix, and the Citrix servers are set to Arizona time. Below is my code so far. Am I completely out in left field?

I think my biggest struggle (other than being barely proficient at VBscript) is that I cannot work the logic in my head, so I'll try to write it in plainly here.

If a Ticket is closed within 24 hours of it's received date then checked= T. However, Saturday and Sunday should not be counted in the calculation. I hope this makes sense. Any help provided would be most appreciated!


<pre><p>If pklStatus.Text = Application.Translator.Localize("Closed") Then


Dim strSQL
Dim objrs

   TNUM = edTicketID.Text

   Set objRS = objSLXDB.GetNewRecordSet
       strSQL = "Select ReceivedDate From Ticket Where Ticketid = '" & TNUM & "'"    
      objRS.Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection
       If Not objRS.EOF Then
         txtReceivedDate.Text = objRS.Fields("RECEIVEDDATE").Value & ""  'DNL
      End If
''ReceivedDate is stored as UTC +7



     If DateAdd("h",24,(txtReceivedDate.Text))> NOW  Then
        'msgbox("16" & DateAdd("h",16,(txtReceivedDate.text)))
        msgbox (NOW)
            chkResolved.Checked = True
     End If


     If Weekday (txtReceivedDate.Text) = vbFriday Then
     If DateAdd("h",65,(txtReceivedDate.Text))< NOW  Then
        msgbox("Fri" & DateAdd("h",72,(txtReceivedDate.text)))
            chkResolved.Checked = True
     End If

     End IF

    If Weekday (txtReceivedDate.Text) = vbSaturday Then
     If DateAdd("h",65,(txtReceivedDate.Text))< NOW  Then
        'msgbox("Sat" & DateAdd("h",72,(txtReceivedDate.DateTime)))
            chkResolved.Checked = True
     End If

     End IF

  If Weekday (txtReceivedDate.Text) = vbSunday Then
     If DateAdd("h",41,(txtReceivedDate.Text))< NOW  Then
        'msgbox("Sun" & DateAdd("h",48,(txtReceivedDate.DateTime)))
            chkResolved.Checked = True
     End If

     End IF

End If

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