Hi, I have been launching form like this for a long time. Currently working in v7.2.1.
We are upgrading to 8.0 and I find that the form launches, but the Delphi constants are not recognized - e.g., crHourglass.
Have either of you found this issue?
Here is my launch code:
option explicit
sub Main
dim objMSView
Const MVName = "Ticket:TktLaunch"
Const MVCaption = "Ticket Launch"' Rev 1.002
Dim i
'search for existing and use that if open
for i = 0 to application.MainViews.Count - 1
if application.MainViews(i).DetailsView.pluginname = MVName then set objMSView = application.MainViews(i)
if isEmpty(objMSView) then set objMSView = application.MainViews.Add(MVName,1,true)
objMSView.caption = MVCaption
objMSView.CaptionBarVisible = false
end sub |