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 Author  Thread: SQL Query to show which Custom Active Form Plugin is Assigned to which SLX User
Tim Conway
Posts: 41
SQL Query to show which Custom Active Form Plugin is Assigned to which SLX UserYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Dec 13 10:07 AM

I'm working with a customer who has different Customized Account Details Form Plugins depending on user. 

The form a user sees in SLX is set in Administrator All Users Tab, then double click a user, and on the Security Tab under Feature Security where Entity Name is ACCOUNT the Detail View drop down allows the selection of any of the Released Custom Account Detail View Plugins. 

All this works fine until a change is made to that PlugIn, and it is released creating a new version of the pluging.  The Detail View Setting above resets to the default since the previous version is no longer released.   

I'm hoping for a way to

1.  Query to see which Accout Details Plugin is currently assigned to each user so when I have to go back and reset everybody, I have a list to work off. 

2.  Or even better, a way to avoid the problem if possible. 

The SLX version is  I've tried everything to link a user with the pluginID that is the released version without success. 

Can someone point out which tables I need to query on this.

Thanks for your help.


RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: SQL Query to show which Custom Active Form Plugin is Assigned to which SLX UserYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 23 Dec 13 6:14 PM

Gave up years ago on this....simply put the similar fields on one panel.....and the different fields in tabs or other panels.....during the on change of the form, check security and turn on\off stuff.....


doesn't the released plugin itself have who it was released to? secrights has the accessid\userid's of the team (seccode)....



Tim Conway
Posts: 41
Re: SQL Query to show which Custom Active Form Plugin is Assigned to which SLX UserYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 02 Jan 14 9:30 AM

Thanks for the reply

You are right, I gave up too trying to find the listing of who has what version of the Account Details screen.  Possibly it's in one of the encrypted fields I saw while searching around.  In any event, I just went through all the users and put what screen they had in a spreadsheet, one by one.  That worked (and took a lot of work). 

You're also right, turn stuff on and off, but I'm inheriting this project and it was a minor change to the screen, adding one field.  So, "go with what you got." 

And it's true, the plugin does have who it was released to.  However, one user may have had all the different Accout Detail screens released to him...groan!  So I was forced to record from Administrator which one they were really using of all the potential screens. 

But it was fun, put on a podcast and pound away!  And the customer was happy!



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