Unfortunately I am not a SLX developer, and have very little understanding of VB which doesnt help much either. I have managed to upgrade our customisations in Saleslogix to facilitate an update from 7.2 to 7.5 to 8.0 but I have one application that I am struggling with. All elements appear to work OK as far as I can get but I am unable to get the existing code to generate a SLX ID for a custom table. This always worked before. SLX is running fine from my machine and I have all native clients etc installed. The original working function I am trying to run is pasted below: Can anyone help me get this working please? Friend Shared Function CreateEmailCampaignResponse(ByVal strCONTACTID As String, ByVal strCAMPID As String, ByVal strOUTCOME As String) As Boolean If blTESTING = False Then Dim strSQL As String Dim strCAMPCONTACTID As String '*** USE THE HIDDEN SLX OLEDB COMMAND TO CREATE A NEW ID FOR CAMPAIGNCONTACT strSQL = "SLX_DBIDS('CAMPAIGNCONTACT', 1)" SLXCommand.CommandText = strSQL strCAMPCONTACTID = "" Try strCAMPCONTACTID = Convert.ToString(SLXCommand.ExecuteScalar) Catch End Try strSQL = "insert into CAMPAIGNCONTACT (CAMPAIGNCONTACTID, CREATEDATE, MODIFYDATE, CREATEUSER, " & _ "MODIFYUSER, CONTACTID, CAMPAIGNID, AUTOSENDOUTCOME, AUTOSENDOUTCODE, INITIALTARGET) values (" & _ "'" & strCAMPCONTACTID & "', " & _ "GetDate(), " & _ "GetDate(), " & _ "'ADMIN', " & _ "'ADMIN', " & _ "'" & strCONTACTID & "', " & _ "'" & strCAMPID & "', " & _ "'" & Left(strOUTCOME, InStr(strOUTCOME, "|") - 1) & "', " & _ "'" & Right(strOUTCOME, Len(strOUTCOME) - InStr(strOUTCOME, "|")) & "', " & _ "'T')" SLXCommand.CommandText = strSQL Try SLXCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() Catch ex As Exception End Try End If End Function As part of testing I created a copy of the table and set the ID to bigint and autoincrement and pointed the INSERT of the SLXID at a TEMP field. Now the import works, however the TEMP Field is blank, this tells me that the old code above is no longer generating the SLX ID and I cant fathom out why. I would really appreciate any help that you guys may offer. Many thanks. Mark |