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 Author  Thread: Lookup without the button ... unless you're Admin
Posts: 44
Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Aug 06 10:49 AM
Here's an odd one. I have a lookup that is essentially a copy of the account manager lookup field in the Account Details form. This one pulls the SECCODE's value instead. Anyhoo, here's what's weird. If I log in as Admin, the button with the pencil appears and I can access the lookup to change the value in the field. If I log in as someone else, the control is enabled but the button is *poof!* nowhere to be found. Any ideas what would cause that?

Frank Chaffin
Posts: 475
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Aug 06 10:55 AM
Did you release the form with the updated control to everyone?
Posts: 44
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Aug 06 11:06 AM
Yes. Is there anything besides the form that may need to be released?
Ryan Farley
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Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 29 Aug 06 12:42 PM
Maybe try creating the control from scratch (instead of copying the account manager lookup control). That's where I would start.

Also, could it be that it is bound to a field that would not be updatable from the current level? For example, is it bound to a field on some lower level that is not directly account level? Or is it bound to an account level field?
Jeremy Brayton
Posts: 491
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Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Aug 06 12:07 AM
If the control is a direct copy from Account Detail, it has the button turned off and uses ButtonShow and ButtonHide routines to show it in the control's events. You have to turn on the button and disable those events for it to work normally.
Jeff Crawford
Posts: 52
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 30 Aug 06 4:35 PM
Seccode eh? Trying to change the owner of a record? Sounds like a security issue to me. By default, the admin account can change ownership without restrictions. Users on the other hand must own the record themselves or be apart of a team that owns the record and has "Team Owner Profile" security for that team, before they can change ownership.

Mark Richardson
Posts: 25
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Sep 06 8:11 AM
This is interesting - I'm sure in previous versions, in Workgroiup Administrator, there was simply a tick-box choice (or similar) to enable users to change account ownership. As Zaurusmann suggests, 6.2.x does not seem to have this option available. It actually creates a pain in the proverbial to overcome this. I wonder why this has changed. As a CRM / DB admin, I don't want to have to personally respond to user requests to change ownership (our subscription rules currently reflect this) in order for our remote users to view the Account. Obviously I can change subscription rules but this relies on further user entries to ensure population of other fields (ie Territory).
Anybody else have a form work-around for this ???
Posts: 44
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Sep 06 5:52 PM
Well guys, I created a new control for it and it, too, is acting in this fashion. The user I am testing with has been assigned an administrative role, and in the settings for that role "Realign Territories" is set to YES. I also set the user as a manager for grins, and that didn't have an effect either. Sign in as admin again, though, and the button is there and the change accepted.

Jeff, how do I set the user(s) up with "Team Owner Profile" security, and can they have security across all teams? That would solve this as well, at least for our sales support staff who most need this access.
Steve Meyers
Posts: 11
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Sep 06 10:36 AM

This was never the case. In versions of SLX prior to version 6, the only user that could change the SecCode for A/C/O was the Primary Team member or the Admin. If the record was owned by an idividual, then only that person or the Admin could change it.

Steve Meyers
Jeff Crawford
Posts: 52
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Sep 06 10:50 AM

In the Workgroup Administrator, open the user’s profile. Select the Teams tab and use the "Manage" button to ensure the user is apart of all of your teams. Then highlight each of the teams one by one and change their “Field Security of this user on the selected team:” to “Team Owner Profile”. That will give the selected user the ability to change the SecCodeID for records owned by the selected team.

Jeff Crawford
Posts: 52
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 06 Sep 06 11:06 AM

You can delegate this realignment responsibility to a trusted power user (i.e. the data steward), by assigning them “Team Owner Profile”, which grants them access to change and view all information for the record owned by that team. Alternatively, you can revaluate the way you handle segregating your data, as there are other ways of assigning ownership without using the SecCodeID. For example you could have a global team that everyone is apart of and create new multi-select picklist that shows which department(s) are working the record.

Mark Richardson
Posts: 25
Re: Lookup without the button ... unless you're AdminYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 07 Sep 06 3:41 AM
Hi Jeff,

Doh! I feel so stupid...
I was sure i'd gone down all of these (obvious) routes but without success - just gone in and done again with no problems at all.

I have just personally beaten myself to within inches of my own life and flailed myself in the style of an Opus Dei life-member.

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