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 Author  Thread: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updating
Luisa Blahetka
Posts: 8
Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updatingYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 May 06 4:01 PM

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I am running SLX 6.2.2. When trying to update one of the fields of a custom table attached to the ACCOUNTPRODUCT table, I get this errror.

I have researched this problem extensively. I even called SalesLogix support and they suggested I recreated the row (a new accountproduct row).

Does anybody have an explanation for this?. Have you come across this issue?

Thanks a lot

Ryan Farley
Posts: 2265
slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
Top 10 forum poster: 2265 posts
Re: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updatingYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 May 06 5:48 PM
What does the code look like?
Luisa Blahetka
Posts: 8
Re: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updatingYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 May 06 6:12 PM
Thank you Ryan,

Actually the controls are bounded to the database fields. So there is no specific code to validate the input.

In this form, I can only change fields selecting from Picklists and calendar dates. I am using teh DateTimeEdit control. I read in another forum that the DateTimePicker has problems.

In the same forum, I learned that sometimes for some records there are issues with the precision of some fields through the SLX provider. I can not confirm any of this.

The user that discovered the problem is a remote user. I manage 70 remote users all in Asia. This one goes between the US and Korea. When he is there, he changes the laptop time to the local time zone. I am not sure if this is a problem, since dates are stored in GMT.

What I do notice is that when I start the form (bounded to the ACCOUNTPRODUCT table), and start selecting different systems (accountproduct), the moment I select the "offending" one, the Save button in the toolbar becomes available (without even updating the form). If I try to save it to continuing browsing other systems, I get that error.

SalesLogix support suggested I created a new record and transfer the data from the old "bad" row to this new row. This is what I am doing now, but I would like to know why.

Following is the code I execute when the form opens and changes . the IS Department function is there in order to detect if a user is authorized to create, delete or re-assign systems.

Thanks for your help and interest.


Sub AXFormOpen(Sender)

If Is_Department_Member("PDI","FSAdmin","FSAdmin") = True Or Is_Department_Member("PDI","FSSJO","FSSJO") = True Then
pnlButtons.Visible = True
pnlButtons.Visible = False
End If

If Is_Department_Member("PDI","FSAdmin","FSAdmin") = True Then
pklToolStatus.ButtonVisible = True
pklToolStatus.Color = Application.BasicFunctions.StringToColor("Window")
pklToolStatus.ReadOnly = False
Call Disable_Dates()
pklToolStatus.ButtonVisible = False
pklToolStatus.Color = Application.BasicFunctions.StringToColor("btnFace")
pklToolStatus.ReadOnly = True
End If

Call Enable_Disable_Warranty_End_Date()
End Sub

Sub AXFormChange(Sender)
Dim strQuery

Call Set_Warranty_Msg()

lueAccount.Text = Get_Account_Name(lueAccount.LookupID)

strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TICKET WHERE URGENCYID = " & Add_Quotes(Get_Data_Value("URGENCY","URGENCYID", "DESCRIPTION", "System Down", "")) & " AND " & _
"USERFIELD3 = " & Add_Quotes(txtAccountProductID.Text) & ""

txtTimesDown.Text = Count_Records(strQuery)

Call Set_Old_Field_Values()

If Trim(lueModel.LookupID) <> "" Then
lueModel.Text = Get_Data_Value("PRODUCT", "ACTUALID", "PRODUCTID", lueModel.LookupID, "")
End If

pklToolStatusOLD.Text = pklToolStatus.Text
Call pklToolStatusOnChange(pklToolStatus)
End Sub

Luisa Blahetka
Posts: 8
Re: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updatingYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 03 May 06 8:21 PM

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I finished the vb script to:

1. Create a dummy system (accountproduct row - custom table pdiapext)
2. Transfer the information from the "bad" system to the dummy system.
3. Transfer all tickets, history and all dependent info for the accountproduct table to this new system

When I finished, the script successfully transferred all information from the dependent tables, however when I issued the update command in the recordset, it gave me the same error.

the script could not update the "new" system with the old info, and could not delete the "bad" row either.

Here is the code:

Sub BGoClick(Sender)
Dim objRS2, objSLXDB, i

Set objSLXDB = New SLX_DB

strSQL1 = " Update ticketaccountproduct set accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strToAPID & chr(39) & _
" where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

strSQL1 = " Update c_AcctProductHistory set accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strToAPID & chr(39) & _
" where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

strSQL1 = " Update c_AccountProductParts set accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strToAPID & chr(39) & _
" where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

strSQL1 = " Select createuser, createdate, modifyuser, modifydate, manufdate, " & _
" shipdate, wenddate, systemid, swrev, catpdate, sysstatus, custsysid, apnotes, " & _
" fatpdate, datpath, esijobi, esijobw, fabindate, esipartid " & _
" from pdiapext where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

Set objRS1 = objSLXDB.GetNewRecordset
objRS1.Open strSQL1, objSLXDB.Connection

strSQL1 = " Select createuser, createdate, modifyuser, modifydate, manufdate, " & _
" shipdate, wenddate, systemid, swrev, catpdate, sysstatus, custsysid, apnotes, " & _
" fatpdate, datpath, esijobi, esijobw, fabindate, esipartid " & _
" from pdiapext where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strToAPID & chr(39)

Set objRS2 = objSLXDB.GetNewRecordset
objRS2.Open strSQL1, objSLXDB.Connection

if not objRS2.EOF Then
For i = 0 to 18
objRS2(i).Value = objRS1(i).Value

objRS2("systemid").value = strFromSystem
end If


strSQL1 = " Delete From AccountProduct where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

strSQL1 = " Delete From PDIAPEXT where accountproductid = " & chr(39) & strFromAPID & chr(39)

Set objRS2 = Nothing
Set objRS1 = Nothing

Set objSLXDB = Nothing

End Sub
Jim Samuelson
Posts: 15
Re: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updatingYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 May 06 7:36 AM

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There is a bug I found a while back in SLX if your date field is formatted for just date (no time) and you enter a date that falls on the beginning of daylight savings time (I think 4/2/2006 or 4/2/2007) you will get the error you mentioned.
Luisa Blahetka
Posts: 8
Re: Getting this error: Cannot post data Row cannot be located for updating - STATUSYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 04 May 06 3:55 PM

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Thank you Jim for your information.

I analyzed all dates in the record I was trying to update. The form has fields from ACCOUNTPRODUCT and APEXT (custom table).

There were in total 8 dates in the form. I found the "offending one" in a custom field called: ManufDate (Manufactured Date).

the content in SQL Server was 10/31/2005 07:00:00. If you substract 8 hours (we are in California PST), then it would give you the date when we changed the clock last year.

What is strange to me is that I was not trying to update any date, but the status field (alpha). When I modified the date through a script, the problem was resolved.

Thank you for your help. Now I can call SalesLogix and tell me what we found out. This can happen again.

I hope this helps somebody else and do not waste all the time I did in trying to research this.

Thanks again for everybody's help


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