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Version of Grid Control![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 25 May 06 7:13 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d I was told that in SLX version 6.2 they provided a new grid control that was much easier to use as compared to older versions. When I opened my old form with the grid and created a new one, I can't see any differences in the properties. Is there a way to determine the version of the control to ensure I am using the latest, greatest version. |
Re: Version of Grid Control![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 26 May 06 8:23 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d The easiest way is to look in your SalesLogix directory at the file slxcontrols.ocx. See what the version is there. That is the file for all of the Active X controls. The version should match with the version of your grid.
As to the grid being much easier to use, not sure of that. They have exposed some new functionality of controls with each version update of SalesLogix but the grid is still pretty much the same one as 6.1, as I recall. |
Re: Version of Grid Control![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 26 May 06 1:04 PM
fiogf49gjkf0d "easier to use"? Not really. There were no changes to the control that would make it easier to work with, per se. The main changes are that additional things are now exposed allowing you to do more with it programatically. Things like custom column types, the ability to use multi-select and have programatic access to the selected rows, etc. By a simple look at it, and how you set it up, there isn't really anything that would look att that different, but some major shortcomings were fixed on the back end. |
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