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Programmatically set datagrid footer type and format
Posted: 02 Jun 06 2:39 PM
lamictal and pregnancy tests lamictal and pregnancy birth defects charamin.jp fiogf49gjkf0d I create a grid dynamcally by clearing all columns, setting its SQL property, adding columns and then doing a refresh. What I need to do is something like this --
grdMain.Columns.Items(2).FooterType = cstSum
I set the ShowSummaryFooter for the grid at design time. When the code to fill the grid executes, it works. Data is properly populated and the footer line shows up. There is even a field beneath (in this case) column 2. Unfortunately, its value is always zero (actually 0.00). I have tried a variety of FooterFormat strings which do, in fact, alter the format of the zero but in no case does an actual total show up.
Does anyone have any ideas?
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