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Creating my own lookup to appear in the Standard Menu![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 27 Feb 08 3:35 PM
Hi all.
We have a table that stores the following data:
MyTableID--AccountID (SalesLogix ID)--Type--ID 123----------A2222-------------------------Hardware Store--BBB 456----------A1111-------------------------Pharmacy--C90 789----------A3333-------------------------Hardware Store--DDD
I want to create a lookup that appears in the standard menu: Lookup --> Accounts --> Hardware Store
where the user can lookup all the data that is in the ID field relating to Type = Hardware Store
and another lookup: Lookup --> Accounts --> Pharmacy
where the user can lookup all the data that is in the ID field relating to Type = Pharmacy
Until now, I've used the lookup manager in Architect but that's worked great for fields that only contain one type of data, for example, if I do a look up for Account.City it will only contain cities.
How do I go about this? Thank you in advance. |
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