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 Author  Thread: Grid DateOnly Field Column Widths going Double Wide!
RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Grid DateOnly Field Column Widths going Double Wide!Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Feb 10 9:13 AM
Answer Is!

there is some 'Grid control magic' going on here for an mm/dd/yyyy date only display of a datetime field.
if a Date Column width is set to 68 or more, and a null date is encountered, then the width is greatly increased.
estimated size is about 115.
if the column width is set to 67 or less, then the date column width stays as specified!

Const GridDateWidth = 67 ' RJS 2/4/2010. was '68 ''' RJS 6/16/2009


1. SQL 2005 Native Connection to fetch the data into an ADO recordset.
2. Fill/refresh the datagrid through the recordset (not using SQL.TEXt, not using SLX OLE DB Provider).
3. Typical Grid building statements for Dates:

Set col = .Columns.Add(3) '3=DateTime
col.FieldName = "ESTIMATEDCLOSE"
col.Caption = "Est. Close"
col.WIDTH = GridDateWidth
col.Alignment = dgAlignRight
col.FormatTYPE = 3
col.FormatString = "mm/dd/yyyy"
col.Visible = True
col.ReadOnly = True

Set col = .Columns.Add(3) '3=DateTime
col.FieldName = "ACTUALCLOSE"
col.Caption = "Actual Close"
col.WIDTH = GridDateWidth
col.Alignment = dgAlignRight
col.FormatTYPE = 3
col.FormatString = "mm/dd/yyyy"
col.Visible = True
col.ReadOnly = True

So far so good....everything works/looks great.

Unfortunately, if there is a NULL date in a column, then that Column's Width at run time is about 115 pixels (instead of 68).....

We still need to sort

(tried using SQL:


but varchar dates don't sort correctly.....doh).

It looks like Delphi is converting the null dates to 'blank' date times and expanding the grid to almost double the size....

any ideas for a workaround?

RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Grid DateOnly Field Column Widths going Double Wide!Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 20 Feb 10 8:21 AM
Answer may be.....

use "ddddd" for a format string, maybe Delphi doesn't recognize mm/dd/yyyy for null datetime values?

Anyway, setting width to 67 works just fine....
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