fiogf49gjkf0d Hi all,
I have a query as to whether something is possible with DataGrids in SLX 7.5.4, I think I'm almost there but there are still issues. Basically, I want to set up several DataGrids with Recordsets that do not point to a Table, and are instead just fully set in code. What I have right now in Form startup to set up the Grids:
<p>Sub CreateGridRecordSet(objGrid)
Dim objRS ' Empty Recordset to return Dim col ' Column setup Dim iLoop ' Loop through columns ' Create Recordset object Set objRS = Application.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRS.CursorLocation = adUseClient objRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic objRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic ' Blank out SQL for Grid? objGrid.SQL.Text = "" ' Add columns to Recordset definition With objRS .Fields.Append "EVXCOURSEFEEID", adChar, 12, adFldIsNullable .Fields.Append "GRIDSELECT", adBoolean, , adFldIsNullable .Fields.Append "DESCRIPTION", adVarChar, 64, adFldIsNullable .Fields.Append "AMOUNT", adDouble, , adFldIsNullable .Fields.Append "STARTDATE", adDate, , adFldIsNullable .Fields.Append "ENDDATE", adDate, , adFldIsNullable End With ' Remove any preexisting column settings If (objGrid.Columns.Count > 0) Then For iLoop = 0 to objGrid.Columns.Count - 1 objGrid.Columns.Item(0).Delete Next End If
' Set columns for Grid Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "EVXCOURSEFEEID" col.Visible = False Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "GRIDSELECT" col.Caption = "Selected" col.Width = 100 Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "DESCRIPTION" col.Caption = "Description" col.width = 100 Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "AMOUNT" col.Caption = "Amount" col.Width = 100 Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "STARTDATE" col.Caption = "From" col.FormatType = 3 col.FormatString = "dd-MM-yyyy" col.Width = 75 Set col = objGrid.Columns.Add(0) col.FieldName = "ENDDATE" col.Caption = "To" col.FormatType = 3 col.FormatString = "dd-MM-yyyy" col.Width = 75 ' Set Recordset for Grid objRS.Open Set objGrid.Recordset = objRS objGrid.Refresh End Sub
I am uncertain if the Grid's SQL property is interfering with this as things are, and if I need to blank that somehow; I do know that without opening the recordset before setting it to be the DataGrid's recordset, I get an error complaining that 'the recordset is not open'
Here is the code for adding a record to the recordset, once the ID has been obtained:
MsgBox "Adding Fee record" With Sender.Recordset .AddNew .Fields("EVXCOURSEFEEID").Value = Lookup.ID .Fields("GRIDSELECT").Value = True .Fields("DESCRIPTION").Value = GetField("DESCRIPTION","EVXCourseFee","EVXCOURSEFEEID = '" & Lookup.ID & "'") .Fields("AMOUNT").Value = GetField("AMOUNT","EVXCourseFee","EVXCOURSEFEEID = '" & Lookup.ID & "'") .Fields("STARTDATE").Value = GetField("STARTDATE","EVXCourseFee","EVXCOURSEFEEID = '" & Lookup.ID & "'") .Fields("ENDDATE").Value = GetField("ENDDATE","EVXCourseFee","EVXCOURSEFEEID = '" & Lookup.ID & "'") .Update End With Sender.Refresh MsgBox "Fees in Grid: " & Sender.Recordset.RecordCount ...
The MsgBox messages here appear to confirm that the recordcount in the Grid's recordset is updating, and the datagrid appears to visibly update, but no data is visible. I have also verified that the GetField() calls are indeed pulling out the expected values. I feel that there are probably a few small steps I am missing here, and any insight would be much appreciated. |