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Primary key for SLX TablesYuban1383025 Feb 13 10:05 AM
RJ Samp 
Saleslogix OLEDB Connection using Shared MemoryGuy Barrett13452310 Aug 12 8:57 AM
Mike Spragg 
Microsoft deprecates use of SQL OLEDB!Mike Spragg0327712 Sep 11 2:48 PM
Mike Spragg 
Trying to write records to a fileScott Newton13459318 Jan 11 1:48 AM
Phil Parkin 
SLXOLEDB Provider, Crystal Report XI, Stored Procedures, SLX Version 7.51Jo Tobias2301716 Sep 10 10:55 AM
Jo Tobias 
Incorrect Syntax ErrorLeon2286619 May 10 9:17 AM
SQL Server Native Connection, ADO Command, and ParametersRJ Samp0301509 May 10 10:36 AM
RJ Samp 
Command was not preparedHaseeb1455909 May 10 10:28 AM
RJ Samp 
Access 2000 - insert using OLEDB connection?Jill D4298420 Nov 09 2:19 PM
Jill D 
ExecuteNonQuery and other mysteriesEric J. Van Winkle9407429 Sep 09 9:14 AM
Jeff Weight 
Basic help getting the OLE DB Provider up and runningShane9496717 Aug 09 10:48 AM
How do you get the SLX Database Provider Installed?thepip3r3305817 Aug 09 10:30 AM
Can you query SLX DB with standard ADODB.Connection?thepip3r3298214 Aug 09 10:25 AM
Question regarding using T-SQL variables with SLXOLEDB.1 provider.Ali Youssefi2285207 Aug 09 7:20 AM
Ali Youssefi 
Update a table from another tableFrancois5291923 Jul 09 2:29 AM
Phil Parkin 
How to import all Opportunity records into an existing Excel sheet, using VB and ADO?Greg Gongola1279225 Jun 09 7:54 PM
Raul A. Chavez 
Where does SalesLogix store DB and printer information for users?Mark Edwards1295729 May 09 1:24 AM
Raul A. Chavez 
COnnection problem with SLXOLEDB.1Yogesh Dave7327909 Apr 09 9:46 AM
Yogesh Dave 
connect crm saleslogix to other database20pippo0510307704 Feb 09 9:04 AM
RJ Samp 
Can I do an INSERT INTO with an OLEDB connection?joe3319221 Jan 09 10:45 AM
update existing recordMichael Rogers8301920 Dec 08 8:37 AM
Bob (RJ)Ledger 
Connect SalesLogix 5.2 to a Test DatabaseCraig Alaniz5319417 Dec 08 7:36 AM
Bob (RJ)Ledger 
How to use OleDbParameters with a querySam Wheat4372215 Dec 08 10:59 AM
Timmus Agersea 
Clarification about using Locktype in recordsetsatz4288630 Jun 08 4:49 AM
How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagridcloud9342611 May 08 8:22 PM
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