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How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagrid
Posted: 01 May 08 9:20 PM
Hi! I am student in Indonesia
I want to ask about datagrid, Can I use 2 datasource for 1 datagrid I am using Visualbasic and access as database
Database(independent) structure Like This : a)Table 1 tanggal | id_transaksi | msisdn_target | status | jumlah ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2008-04-01 | 1118810618 | 85652224948 | complete | 10000
b)Table 2 point_of_charging | msisdn | type --------------------------------------------------------- Balikpapan | 856522abcd | Sat-C
and my code are :
Option Explicit
Dim koneksi As New ADODB.Connection Dim sql, sql2, sql3, data_count As String Dim rs, rs2, rs3, rsteks As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set koneksi = New ADODB.Connection
koneksi.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Persist Security Info=True;User ID=; Password=;" & _ "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\independent.mdb"
koneksi.Open koneksi.CursorLocation = adUseClient
sql = "select count(*) as count_dt " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target, 6)" Set rs = koneksi.Execute(sql, , adCmdText)
Me.Text1.Text = rs("count_dt")
Dim strsql As String Set rsteks = New ADODB.Recordset strsql = "select a.point_of_charging, a.msisdn, " & _ "b.msisdn_target, b.jumlah " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target,6)" rsteks.Open strsql, koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Set Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = rsteks Me.DataGrid1.Refresh
Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset sql2 = "select a.point_of_charging, count(*) as dtq, sum(b.jumlah) as qty " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target,6) " & _ "group by a.point_of_charging " & _ "order by a.point_of_charging" rs2.Open sql2, koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Set rs3 = New ADODB.Recordset sql3 = "select sum(jumlah) as qty_all " & _ "from data_independent_in" rs3.Open sql3, koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic Me.Text2.Text = rs3("qty_all")
Set Me.DataGrid2.DataSource = rs2 Me.DataGrid2.Columns(0).Caption = "Cabang" Me.DataGrid2.Columns(1).Caption = "Transaksi" Me.DataGrid2.Columns(2).Caption = "Jumlah(Rp)" Me.DataGrid2.Columns(0).DataField = rs2("point_of_charging") Me.DataGrid2.Columns(1).DataField = rs2("dtq") Me.DataGrid2.Columns(2).DataField = rs2("qty") Me.DataGrid2.Columns.Add (3) Me.DataGrid2.Columns(3).Caption = "Percentage(%)" Me.DataGrid2.Refresh
End Sub
My question is, How if I want to get the value of percentage? the formula like tHis : rs2("qty")/rs3("qty_all")*100 and I want to put the value of percentage On columns(3), which I was add it
I dont know How to use 2 datasource for one datagrid
aLL many Thanks
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Re: How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagrid
Posted: 02 May 08 10:10 AM
You can't have two datasources for one grid. Your only hope is to either come up with a query that has an aggregate of the data you want to display in the grid or build a recordset in code and fill it with the desired data and then bind it to the grid. |
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Re: How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagrid
Posted: 06 May 08 7:14 PM
Originally posted by cloud
maybe do you have any suggestion or answer for my problem? |
Uh, that *is* the answer to your problem. You have to either
1) Create a new recordset and load it with the data from the two sources 2) Combine the data in the same SQL statement using aggregates of unions the then bind that to the grid
Those are two answers to accomplish what you need. |
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Re: How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagrid
Posted: 06 May 08 8:40 PM
2) Combine the data in the same SQL statement using aggregates of unions the then bind that to the grid
Hmm,, I know about union in sql syntax, but I don't know about "bind",, can u explain about bind data to the grid? or another Link 4 this threat?
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Re: How to use 2 datasource on 1 datagrid
Posted: 11 May 08 8:22 PM
I had done the result of problem,
I make the another recodset, which this recordset will create table in database,, I am using
sql2 = "(select a.point_of_charging, count(*) as transaksi, " & _ "sum(b.jumlah) as jumlah " & _ "into data_result_cabang " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target,6) " & _ "group by a.point_of_charging " & _ "order by a.point_of_charging)" Set rs3 = koneksi.Execute(sql2, , adCmdText)
after that / table "data_result_cabang" created, I will create the column or add the column "percentage", sql like this :
sql_add = "alter table data_result_cabang add percentage number after" Set rs_add = koneksi.Execute(sql_add, , adCmdText)
and then I will do selection of data from table "data_result_cabang" with some condition, like this :
sql_list = "select point_of_charging " & _ "from data_result_cabang" Set rs_list = koneksi.Execute(sql_list, , adCmdText) rs_list.MoveFirst While Not rs_list.EOF '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dim sql_count_all As String Dim rs_count_all As ADODB.Recordset sql_count_all = "select sum(jumlah) as qty_all " & _ "from data_result_cabang" Set rs_count_all = koneksi.Execute(sql_count_all, , adCmdText) Dim pof, sql_jml_pof As String Dim rs_jml_pof As ADODB.Recordset pof = rs_list("point_of_charging") sql_jml_pof = "select jumlah " & _ "from data_result_cabang " & _ "where point_of_charging='" & pof & "'" Set rs_jml_pof = koneksi.Execute(sql_jml_pof, , adCmdText) Dim percentage_pof, percentage_pof2 As String Dim sql_update As String Dim rs_update As ADODB.Recordset percentage_pof = rs_jml_pof("jumlah") / rs_count_all("qty_all") * 100 percentage_pof2 = FormatNumber(percentage_pof, 0) sql_update = "update data_result_cabang " & _ "set percentage='" & percentage_pof2 & "' " & _ "where point_of_charging='" & pof & "'" Set rs_update = koneksi.Execute(sql_update, , adCmdText) rs_list.MoveNext Wend
and after that I will get the percentage which I put the data on the datagrid,,
and this my code : '///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Option Explicit
Dim koneksi As New ADODB.Connection Dim sql_drop, sql_add, sql_list, sql, sql2, sql3, data_count As String Dim rs_drop, rs_add, rs_list, rs, rs2, rs3, rsteks As ADODB.Recordset
Private Sub Form_Load()
Skin1.LoadSkin App.Path & "/skin/winaqua.skn" Skin1.ApplySkin Me.hWnd
Set koneksi = New ADODB.Connection
koneksi.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Persist Security Info=True;User ID= assword=;" & _ "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\database\independent.mdb"
koneksi.Open koneksi.CursorLocation = adUseClient
sql_drop = "drop table data_result_cabang" Set rs_drop = koneksi.Execute(sql_drop, , adCmdText) sql = "select count(*) as count_dt " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target, 6)" Set rs = koneksi.Execute(sql, , adCmdText)
sql2 = "(select a.point_of_charging, count(*) as transaksi, " & _ "sum(b.jumlah) as jumlah " & _ "into data_result_cabang " & _ "from source_msisdn as a, data_independent_in as b " & _ "where left(a.msisdn,6) like left(b.msisdn_target,6) " & _ "group by a.point_of_charging " & _ "order by a.point_of_charging)" Set rs3 = koneksi.Execute(sql2, , adCmdText)
sql_add = "alter table data_result_cabang add percentage number after" Set rs_add = koneksi.Execute(sql_add, , adCmdText)
sql_list = "select point_of_charging " & _ "from data_result_cabang" Set rs_list = koneksi.Execute(sql_list, , adCmdText) rs_list.MoveFirst While Not rs_list.EOF '/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Dim sql_count_all As String Dim rs_count_all As ADODB.Recordset sql_count_all = "select sum(jumlah) as qty_all " & _ "from data_result_cabang" Set rs_count_all = koneksi.Execute(sql_count_all, , adCmdText) Dim pof, sql_jml_pof As String Dim rs_jml_pof As ADODB.Recordset pof = rs_list("point_of_charging") sql_jml_pof = "select jumlah " & _ "from data_result_cabang " & _ "where point_of_charging='" & pof & "'" Set rs_jml_pof = koneksi.Execute(sql_jml_pof, , adCmdText) Dim percentage_pof, percentage_pof2 As String Dim sql_update As String Dim rs_update As ADODB.Recordset percentage_pof = rs_jml_pof("jumlah") / rs_count_all("qty_all") * 100 percentage_pof2 = FormatNumber(percentage_pof, 0) sql_update = "update data_result_cabang " & _ "set percentage='" & percentage_pof2 & "' " & _ "where point_of_charging='" & pof & "'" Set rs_update = koneksi.Execute(sql_update, , adCmdText) rs_list.MoveNext Wend Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset sql2 = "select * from data_result_cabang " & _ "order by point_of_charging" rs2.Open sql2, koneksi, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Set Me.DataGrid1.DataSource = rs2 Me.DataGrid1.Columns(0).Caption = "Cabang" Me.DataGrid1.Columns(1).Caption = "Transaksi" Me.DataGrid1.Columns(2).Caption = "Jumlah(Rp)" Me.DataGrid1.Columns(3).Caption = "Percentage(%)" Me.DataGrid1.Columns(0).DataField = rs2("point_of_charging") Me.DataGrid1.Columns(1).DataField = rs2("transaksi") Me.DataGrid1.Columns(2).DataField = rs2("jumlah") Me.DataGrid1.Columns(3).DataField = rs2("percentage") Me.DataGrid1.AllowAddNew = False Me.DataGrid1.AllowDelete = False Me.DataGrid1.AllowUpdate = False Me.DataGrid1.Refresh Dim sql_date_first, sql_date_last, date_first, date_last, date_all As String Dim rs_date_first, rs_date_last As ADODB.Recordset sql_date_first = "select tanggal " & _ "from data_independent_in " & _ "order by tanggal asc" Set rs_date_first = koneksi.Execute(sql_date_first, , adCmdText) date_first = rs_date_first("tanggal") sql_date_last = "select tanggal " & _ "from data_independent_in " & _ "order by tanggal desc" Set rs_date_last = koneksi.Execute(sql_date_last, , adCmdText) date_last = rs_date_last("tanggal") date_all = date_first & Chr(32) & "S/D" & Chr(32) & date_last Me.SkinLabel_date.Caption = date_all End Sub
so aLL many tHanks for Bob (RJ)Ledger, Ryan Farley, RJ Samp
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