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 Author  Thread: Command was not prepared
Posts: 2
Command was not preparedYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 05 Jan 10 4:05 PM

I am creating SQL Select where DATE is taken as parameter from UI

Then I create ADODB command and prepare parameters

Set ADOCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set ADOCmd.ActiveConnection=application.GetNewConnection

dim adoParam
set adoParam = ADOCmd.CreateParameter()
adoparam.Type =ParamType
if (ParamType =adVarChar) Then
adoParam.Size= len(ParamValue)
end if
ADOCmd.Parameters.Append adoParam


SET execute = ADOCmd.Execute (myRecordsAffected) (This is the line which gives me the error Command was not prepared after being stuck for about 30 secs or so.)

Any idea would be greately helpful


RJ Samp
Posts: 973
Top 10 forum poster: 973 posts
Re: Command was not preparedYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 09 May 10 10:28 AM

I don't know what you Set Execute does, what is Execute?

you need to the the prepared parameter of your ADO command object:

ADOCmd.Prepared = True

you need to set the Type of command....

.CommandType = adCmdText ' type adCmdText is used for SQL Statement execution.

this should give you and idea of what I'm doing.....

This stuff works with an SLX Connection and ? parameter.

It does not work with a SQL Server native connection.

' create basic SQL statement used to retrieve the data from the database.
' when using a Native SQL Server connection WITH(NOLOCK) hints should be added.
SearchSQL = "SELECT COALESCE(A1." & UCase(SearchTableNameIDfield) & ", '') AS " & UCase(SearchTableNameIDfield) & _
" FROM " & UCase(SearchTableName) & " A1 " & _

grdLookup.KeyField = SearchTableNameIDfield

' build the grid columns.
Call BuildGrid_grdLookup (grdLookup)

' instantiate/create a database connection object, ADO Recordset object, ADO Command object, and an ADO Command Parameter.
Call CreateScriptObjects

End Sub

Sub CreateScriptObjects

' instantiate native connection object, opened.
' SLXDatabaseSupport_GetNativeConnection(ByRef TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject)
' Call SLXDatabaseSupport_GetNativeConnection( grdLookupCN )
Set grdLookupCN = application.GetNewConnection

' Create ADO RS object
' SLXDatabaseSupport_GetADORecordSet (ByRef TheADO_RecordsetObject) ' 5/9/2010 Native Connection not working with named or ? parameters.
Call SLXDatabaseSupport_GetADORecordSet (grdLookupRS)

With grdLookupRS
' Add Fields to the recordset as needed
.Fields.Append "OPPORTUNITYID", adChar, 12
.Fields.Append "DESCRIPTION", adVarChar, 128
.Fields.Append "A2_ACCOUNT", adVarChar, 128
.Fields.Append "SALESPOTENTIAL", adCurrency
End With

' create ADO DB Command object
set objADOcommand = createObject("ADODB.Command")

' set up command object's basic properties.
' active connection, stored proc type
With objADOcommand
.ActiveConnection = grdLookupCN
.Prepared = True ' command will be reused.
.CommandType = adCmdText ' type adCmdText is used for SQL Statement execution.
End With

' create 1 input Parameter object
set objInputParam1 = createObject("ADODB.Parameter")
' set the parameter Type, name ?, size, input parameter, code variable to derive the value from
With objInputParam1
.Type = adVarWChar
.Name = "?" ' "@P1" named parameters do not work so far. using a ? matches the 'appended parameter' position ? in the CommandText property. ParameterName
.Size = 12
.Direction = adParamInput
End With

'add parameter to the command (Append parameter 1)
objADOcommand.Parameters.Append objInputParam1

End Sub

and then call this to fire off the search:

Sub RefreshGrid_grdLookup (ByVal TheSearchValue, ByRef TheDataGridControl, ByRef TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject, ByRef TheADO_RecordsetObject, ByRef TheADO_CommandObject, ByRef TheParam1)
Dim TheSearchSQL

' set up command object's properties.
' active connection, stored proc type, populate the actual Command Text to execute, refresh the parameters collection.
With TheADO_CommandObject
.ActiveConnection = TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject ' grdLookupCN
.Prepared = True
.CommandType = adCmdText ' type text for SQL execution.

' set up the Command Text (what get's executed)
' named parameters do not work in SQL Server!
TheSearchSQL = SearchSQL & " WHERE " & SearchTableNameIDfield & " LIKE ? "
Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup SQL:= " & TheSearchSQL
.CommandText = TheSearchSQL

Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup SQL CommandText:= " & TheADO_CommandObject.CommandText
.Parameters.Refresh ' when reusing command objects, refresh the parameter Collection for the Command AFTER setting CommandText!
End With

' set the parameter
TheADO_CommandObject.Parameters(0).Value = SearchValue ' from the global variable

' Set the RS Object to the Command Object.Execute, the Execute returns an ADO Recordset to the TheADO_RecordsetObject
If TheADO_RecordsetObject.State = 1 Then TheADO_RecordsetObject.Close
Set TheADO_RecordsetObject = objADOcommand.Execute ()

' load / refresh the data grid.
With TheADO_RecordsetObject
Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup: " & .RecordCount & " Records were found. "
If Not ( .BOF or .EOF) Then
' Load the Grid RS to refresh the grid.
' traditional method is: Set TheDataGridControl.RecordSet = TheADO_RecordsetObject
' Sub GridCommon_RefreshGridByRS (byRef theGrid, byRef theRS)
Call GridCommon_RefreshGridByRS ( TheDataGridControl, TheADO_RecordsetObject)
Else ' no search hits, set grid to 'nothing'
End If
End With
End Sub

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