I don't know what you Set Execute does, what is Execute?
you need to the the prepared parameter of your ADO command object:
ADOCmd.Prepared = True
you need to set the Type of command....
.CommandType = adCmdText ' type adCmdText is used for SQL Statement execution.
this should give you and idea of what I'm doing.....
This stuff works with an SLX Connection and ? parameter.
It does not work with a SQL Server native connection.
' create basic SQL statement used to retrieve the data from the database. ' when using a Native SQL Server connection WITH(NOLOCK) hints should be added. SearchSQL = "SELECT COALESCE(A1." & UCase(SearchTableNameIDfield) & ", '') AS " & UCase(SearchTableNameIDfield) & _ ", COALESCE(A1.DESCRIPTION,'') AS DESCRIPTION" & _ ", COALESCE(A2.ACCOUNT, '') AS A2_ACCOUNT" & _ ", COALESCE(A1.SALESPOTENTIAL, 0.00) AS SALESPOTENTIAL " & _ " FROM " & UCase(SearchTableName) & " A1 " & _ " INNER JOIN ACCOUNT A2 ON (A1.ACCOUNTID=A2.ACCOUNTID) "
grdLookup.KeyField = SearchTableNameIDfield
' build the grid columns. Call BuildGrid_grdLookup (grdLookup)
' instantiate/create a database connection object, ADO Recordset object, ADO Command object, and an ADO Command Parameter. Call CreateScriptObjects
End Sub
Sub CreateScriptObjects
' instantiate native connection object, opened. ' SLXDatabaseSupport_GetNativeConnection(ByRef TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject) ' Call SLXDatabaseSupport_GetNativeConnection( grdLookupCN ) Set grdLookupCN = application.GetNewConnection
' Create ADO RS object ' SLXDatabaseSupport_GetADORecordSet (ByRef TheADO_RecordsetObject) ' 5/9/2010 Native Connection not working with named or ? parameters. Call SLXDatabaseSupport_GetADORecordSet (grdLookupRS)
With grdLookupRS ' Add Fields to the recordset as needed .Fields.Append "OPPORTUNITYID", adChar, 12 .Fields.Append "DESCRIPTION", adVarChar, 128 .Fields.Append "A2_ACCOUNT", adVarChar, 128 .Fields.Append "SALESPOTENTIAL", adCurrency End With
' create ADO DB Command object set objADOcommand = createObject("ADODB.Command")
' set up command object's basic properties. ' active connection, stored proc type With objADOcommand .ActiveConnection = grdLookupCN .Prepared = True ' command will be reused. .CommandType = adCmdText ' type adCmdText is used for SQL Statement execution. End With
' create 1 input Parameter object set objInputParam1 = createObject("ADODB.Parameter") ' set the parameter Type, name ?, size, input parameter, code variable to derive the value from With objInputParam1 .Type = adVarWChar .Name = "?" ' "@P1" named parameters do not work so far. using a ? matches the 'appended parameter' position ? in the CommandText property. ParameterName .Size = 12 .Direction = adParamInput End With
'add parameter to the command (Append parameter 1) objADOcommand.Parameters.Append objInputParam1
End Sub
and then call this to fire off the search:
Sub RefreshGrid_grdLookup (ByVal TheSearchValue, ByRef TheDataGridControl, ByRef TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject, ByRef TheADO_RecordsetObject, ByRef TheADO_CommandObject, ByRef TheParam1) Dim TheSearchSQL
' set up command object's properties. ' active connection, stored proc type, populate the actual Command Text to execute, refresh the parameters collection. With TheADO_CommandObject .ActiveConnection = TheSQL_Server_ConnectionObject ' grdLookupCN .Prepared = True .CommandType = adCmdText ' type text for SQL execution.
' set up the Command Text (what get's executed) ' named parameters do not work in SQL Server! TheSearchSQL = SearchSQL & " WHERE " & SearchTableNameIDfield & " LIKE ? " Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup SQL:= " & TheSearchSQL .CommandText = TheSearchSQL
Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup SQL CommandText:= " & TheADO_CommandObject.CommandText .Parameters.Refresh ' when reusing command objects, refresh the parameter Collection for the Command AFTER setting CommandText! End With
' set the parameter TheADO_CommandObject.Parameters(0).Value = SearchValue ' from the global variable
' Set the RS Object to the Command Object.Execute, the Execute returns an ADO Recordset to the TheADO_RecordsetObject If TheADO_RecordsetObject.State = 1 Then TheADO_RecordsetObject.Close Set TheADO_RecordsetObject = objADOcommand.Execute ()
' load / refresh the data grid. With TheADO_RecordsetObject Application.Debug.WriteLine "58 RefreshGrid_grdLookup: " & .RecordCount & " Records were found. " If Not ( .BOF or .EOF) Then ' Load the Grid RS to refresh the grid. ' traditional method is: Set TheDataGridControl.RecordSet = TheADO_RecordsetObject ' Sub GridCommon_RefreshGridByRS (byRef theGrid, byRef theRS) Call GridCommon_RefreshGridByRS ( TheDataGridControl, TheADO_RecordsetObject) Else ' no search hits, set grid to 'nothing' TheDataGridControl.SQL.TEXT = "SELECT A1.OPPORTUNITYID FROM OPPORTUNITY A1 WHERE 1 = 2 " End If End With End Sub