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 Architect Forums - SalesLogix .NET Extensions
Forum to discuss the use of .NET Extensions in SalesLogix version 7 and higher. View the code of conduct for posting guidelines.
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System.AppDomainUnloadedExceptionVaughn Poulson0203027 Jul 17 9:53 AM
Vaughn Poulson 
OLE error 80131040Vaughn Poulson4277808 Dec 16 9:36 AM
Vaughn Poulson 
how to mimic TLookupEdit control functionality in .NET extensionsDavid K0224913 Oct 15 10:20 AM
David K 
Performance issuesConrad0214417 Sep 15 9:20 AM
Debug .net visual studio 2012Vaughn Poulson1262309 Sep 15 8:23 AM
Why do I have to log in each time I open .NET Extensions Manager?Conrad2218308 Sep 15 2:27 PM
When to use .NET form vs Standard SalesLogix formMike4311813 Aug 15 6:23 AM
Add Opportunity AttachmentVaughn Poulson2220419 May 15 8:38 AM
Vaughn Poulson 
Add Opportunity AttachmentVaughn Poulson0218018 May 15 3:43 PM
Vaughn Poulson 
Error loading .Net Extensions Manager ( Mar 15 6:41 AM
Anthony joanes 
Error loading net extensions managerMartin Wickens0259904 Mar 15 8:55 AM
Martin Wickens 
Tab Key EventJoern Engmann1263607 Oct 14 1:14 AM
Tab key and shortcutsFrançois BAUD4267607 Oct 14 1:02 AM
.net extension not working in a 64bit machineLCF0241918 Sep 14 6:06 AM
SLX 8.0 .NET extension form inside the Saleslogix form using IRunnableAlex6281308 Jul 14 4:04 AM
Cannot deploy my .net extensions using 4.0Brian Thews5316022 Oct 13 5:28 PM
Brian Thews 
.Net control is not showing up in saleslogix form for some users....Raj Ubendran10282718 Apr 13 5:23 AM
Raj Ubendran 
BaseRunnable not returning anythingMatt Bond4279411 Apr 13 6:35 PM
Mike Spragg 
TabWorkspace - TabControl - SalesLogix 7.5Gabriel Alvarez0268014 Mar 13 8:02 AM
Gabriel Alvarez 
TabWorkspace - TabControl - SalesLogix 7.5Gabriel Alvarez0251514 Mar 13 8:02 AM
Gabriel Alvarez 
Beginners guide for using .Net extensions - Free Prize for helpAndrew Cutforth4292801 Mar 13 10:58 AM
Ryan Farley 
My usercontrol is not showing up in the saleslogix form...Raj Ubendran3260629 Jan 13 4:37 AM
Returning an Object with existing properties via .NET Extensions to SaleslogixChris Fleetwood18295130 Oct 12 3:17 PM
Chris Fleetwood 
Bind datagrid to a table perhaps using sublogixJay1263327 Aug 12 11:07 AM
Ryan Farley 
ClassName ... not foundJay9289624 Aug 12 10:38 AM
Ryan Farley 
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