Originally posted by Ryan Farley
Hi Jordan. Well, yes and no. It is a COM library, and the .NET Extensions platform in the SalesLogix client does not do any sort of COM registration. Best choice is to attempt to use it via RegFree COM. This means you'll create a COM manifest for the library and then use that as if it were COM, without actually registering it on the machine. Some DLLs don't work that great with RegFree COM, and to be honest I've not done it with a .NET Extension so not sure how that would work out. But, that is the best route to try. You can google "Registration Free COM" to get some info on how to do it (it's not that hard to do).
If that doesn't work well from a .NET Extension, then you'd likely have to go the route of providing an installer to install and register the COM component on the desktops.
Once you've done either of those, it would work great from a .NET Extension.