fiogf49gjkf0d I don't know where your datagrid is in relationship to your quoting system.....but the basics are:
1. your application updates database tables
2. retrieve the records desired into an ADO Recordset (variety of ways to do this including stored procedures, ADO command objects, SQL udf table functions, SQL, et al)
3. Set the Gridcontrol record set to your retrieved recordset in step 2. THAT is a grid refresh and the user sees the updated data from the database if the grid is visible on the focused Tab that they are viewing.
An F5 refreshes the data (saves UnSaved data changes in SLX recognized controls that are databound to the SLX database on SLX forms).
This includes firing off an AXFormchange on the Detail view that the user is currently on (Account, Contact, Opportunity, et al....and not ALL!)...runs a refresh on the GROUP that you are on, runs an AXFormChange on the Middle View tab form (if any)....and runs an AXFormChange on the Tab form (which might include refreshing your grid using SQL, or Recordsets, or BINDID, et al AND AND AND might include a (redundant) second refresh (or more) that you just did in step 2 and 3)
A Control F5 (RefreshMainView) refreshes several COLLECTIONS from the database and fires off Global Scripts and refreshes all of the MainViews.....usually overkill.
My recommendation is to retrieve your data into a recordset and throw it into the grid control to refresh the grid data....we do this 99.99% of the time
If you are updating\inserting 1 or more Opportunities then an F5 is appropriate.