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 Author  Thread: Bind datagrid to a table perhaps using sublogix
Posts: 6
Bind datagrid to a table perhaps using sublogixYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Aug 12 3:52 AM

I am creating a .net extension via vb. How can I bind a datagrid to a specific table I have created in slx database manager? Lets say this table is called xyz which is under Contact. Is this possible with sublogix?

Private Sub UserControl1_SalesLogixRecordChanged(CurrentID As String) Handles MyBase.SalesLogixRecordChanged        
Dim repo = New Repository(SlxApplication.ConnectionString)
        DataGridView1.DataSource = ?
End Sub

Sorry for asking this but I am still new to slx and vb. For any help I would be very thankful.

Thank you in advance!

Ryan Farley
Posts: 2265
slxdeveloper.com Site Administrator
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Re: Bind datagrid to a table perhaps using sublogixYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 27 Aug 12 11:07 AM


You absolutely can bind a Sublogix entity list to a datagrid in a .NET Extension. This is an example that would bind all contacts for a particular account to a grid, where the account ID is the Current ID passed into the .NETExtensionHelper event (sorry, I don't know VB syntax)


private void UserControl1_SalesLogixRecordChanged(string CurrentID)
var repo = New Repository(SlxApplication.ConnectionString);
var contacts = repo.Find<Contact>(x => x.Accountid == CurrentID);
DataGridView1.DataSource = contacts;


Make sense?

Or if the Linq expression makes it hard to understand (or to translate back to VB), you can also do it like this:


private void UserControl1_SalesLogixRecordChanged(string CurrentID)
var repo = New Repository(SlxApplication.ConnectionString);
var contacts = repo.Select<Contact>()
.Where("AccountId", Operator.Equals, CurrentID)
.OrderBy("LastName", OrderByDirection.Ascending) //this line optional
DataGridView1.DataSource = contacts;


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