I have Project in Visual Studio, where is Windows Form. My project`s type is Windows Application (i have tried Class Library too), and using .NET Framework 4.0 (because SLX.Framework doesn`t want lower version of framework)
And i am trying to run it in the Saleslogix v8.0. SLX wanted very hard that i implements IRunnable, so i did, but i don`t know how to put it inside the SLX form.
I can run it as separated window.
How to run my .Net Extension in Saleslogix form?
Visual Studio C# code:
public class Program : MarshalByRefObject, IRunnable
private Form1 _customerInfoForm;
private ISlxApplication _SlxApplication;
public void Initialize(ISlxApplication SlxApplication, Sage.SalesLogix.NetExtensions.Licensing.ILicenseKeyManager LicenseKeyManager)
_SlxApplication = SlxApplication;
_customerInfoForm = new Form1(); //SLX only running this part of code ( Initialize )
public object Run(object[] Args)
_SlxApplication.BasicFunctions.GlobalInfoSet("EventOwner", (string)Args[0]); //I don`t know why, he doesn`t start public Run
_customerInfoForm = new Form1();
return this;
Saleslogix code:
Dim ext
ext = Application.Managed.Create("Krediidiinfo", "Krediidiinfo.Program") Application.Managed.Run ext, null