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 Author  Thread: MMS Update
Richard Tomlins
Posts: 2
MMS UpdateYour last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM
Posted: 01 Mar 07 4:18 AM
Hi There...

Wondering if anyone can help me out here...

Due to the fact that there is no current SalesLOGIX v7 to MMS 3.5 AIS link I have a need to write a 'Kind Of' Integration from SLX to MMS myself...

Best Practice dictates I use the Standard MMS Coding (Provided nicely in the SDK).. and so long as I use the correct assemblies then all should be fine...

It should be noted at this point that I am not a .NET programmer in any way.. my knowledge of it is pretty thin to say the least... however I have spoken to a .Net guy here who's coded up an example for me to use (see below)..

Now.. I've followed the excellent instructions on setting up a basic .NET "Hello World" message box as provided by Ryan and that works fine.. it's the next 'leap' I'm stuck on now...

How do I get arguments into the existing code.. and how do I get the newley created MMS Customer number backinto SalesLOGIX..

I apologise in advance for my 'blonde-ness'on this matter...If anyone can help or point me in the right direction then you would have my eternal gratitude!

As a footnote.. the .NET guy told me that whenever a class is instantiated the subroutine New is ALWAYS run which is why he put the connection details in there..

Here's the .NET Code

Imports System.windows.forms
Imports Sage.SalesLogix.NetExtensions

Public Class Class1
Inherits Sage.SalesLogix.NetExtensions.BaseRunnable

' Declare the Application object used to connect.
Dim oApplication As Sage.Accounting.Application = Nothing
Dim oCustomer As Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customer

' Connection Details / String
Public Sub New()
oApplication = New Sage.Accounting.Application

' Use the Connect method passing the username and password as strings)
oApplication.Connect("testuser", "password") ' Must be a user within MMS

' IMPORTANT: select the company (database) - a connection will not be made
' unless this line is included.
' In this example an indexer is used to select the company. This
' is fine if there is only one company. If there are multiple companies a more
' appropriate solution would be to iterate the collection checking the Name property.
oApplication.ActiveCompany = oApplication.Companies(0)

Dim oStringBuilder As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder

oStringBuilder.Append("Successfully logged on to " + oApplication.ActiveCompany.Name)


' The Connect method may throw the following exceptions:
' Ex9990Exception - User already logged in.
' Ex9991Exception - Maximum number of users logged in.
Catch oException As System.Exception
If Not (oApplication Is Nothing) Then
End If
End Try

' Set Variables
Dim oCustomers As Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customers = oApplication.ActiveCompany.SalesModule.Customers
oCustomer = CType(oCustomers.AddNew, Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customer)
End Sub

Private Sub CreateCustomer(ByVal AccountNo As String, ByVal strCustName As String, _
ByVal strAddr1 As String, ByVal strAddr2 As String, ByVal strAddr3 As String, _
ByVal strContact As String, ByVal Terms As Integer)

' Create a new Customer
Dim oCustomers As Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customers = oApplication.ActiveCompany.SalesModule.Customers
Dim oCustomer As Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customer = CType(oCustomers.AddNew, Sage.Accounting.SalesLedger.Customer)
' Set some customer details
oCustomer.Reference = AccountNo
oCustomer.Name = strCustName

'oCustomer.PaymentTermsDays = CShort(Terms)
oCustomer.MainAddress.AddressLine1 = strAddr1
oCustomer.MainAddress.AddressLine2 = strAddr2
oCustomer.MainAddress.AddressLine3 = strAddr3
oCustomer.CustomerAccount.Currency = oApplication.ActiveCompany.CompanyDetails.FinancialCurrencies.BaseCurrency

' Get the country code for GB
Dim oCountryCodes As Sage.Accounting.SystemManager.CountryCodes = oApplication.ActiveCompany.CompanyDetails.CountryCodes
oCountryCodes.Query.Filters.Add(New _
Sage.ObjectStore.Filter(Sage.Accounting.SystemManager.CountryCode.FIELD_CODE, "GB"))
If Not (oCountryCodes.First Is Nothing) Then
' Set the country code
oCustomer.CountryCode = oCountryCodes.First

' Get the tax code 1
Dim oTaxCodes As Sage.Accounting.TaxModule.TaxCodes = oApplication.TaxModule.TaxCodes

oTaxCodes.Query.Filters.Add(New Sage.ObjectStore.Filter( _
Sage.Accounting.TaxModule.TaxCode.FIELD_CODE, "1"))

If Not (oTaxCodes.First Is Nothing) Then
' Set the default tax code
oCustomer.DefaultTaxCode = oTaxCodes.First

' Prepare the database information to be updated.
' This is not updated to the database until .Commit is called
Dim oTransaction As New Sage.ObjectStore.PersistentObjectTransaction
' Update the changes
' Update the database
End Try
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The specified tax code does not exist.")
End If
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The specified country code does not exist.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

End Class
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