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Forum to discuss using the SalesLogix OLE DB Provider from external applications (including usage of built-in provider procedures). View the code of conduct for posting guidelines.
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Re: Data inserted in hostdatabase throught SLX Provider but no TEF created![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 21 Jun 06 12:44 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d Chris,
I think you need to upgrade to 6.2.1 HF8. Here is the description of the HF from the SLX website. I had a client experiencing this issue as well, and it solved it once applied. I you are already on HF 8, well then, not sure what to say .
From the SLX Support site -
SalesLogix Service Pack 1 Hot Fix 8 (v6.2.1) corrects a condition where queue files are not consistently generated when a small amount of data is updated in an external application that is using the SalesLogix provider.
Jason |
Re: Data inserted in hostdatabase throught SLX Provider but no TEF created![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 21 Jun 06 4:20 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d Hello Jason,
Thank you for your answer, but I need more informations : * Where can I find the full description of HF8 ? (upload of a .pdf ? URL ?) ? Which programs are modified by this HF ? Is the HF8 a bundle (sxb) or an executable ? There is only the SLX Provider and the Administrative Tools on the server where my program runs. * This program updates or inserts very small amount of data (1, 2 or 3 records !!!) (it is a test...), and the TEF are created sometimes only (one or twice a day, but I launch at least 10 synchronizations per day !). But when the synchronization works, "old" modifications don't seem to be taken into account at all. Has your client exactly the same problem ?
Thanks a lot
Chris |
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Re: Data inserted in hostdatabase throught SLX Provider but no TEF created![Your last visit to this thread was on 1/1/1970 12:00:00 AM](/images/forumimages/new.gif)
Posted: 23 Jun 06 3:34 AM
fiogf49gjkf0d Thank you, Jason and Frank ! We have installed HF8 on our server and now, the syncserver generates a TEF systematically, even if there is only one insert in the host database. However, I have another problem ! Sometimes the Synchronisation Client doesn't work : it stops during the "Applying transaction # of #" and the "SyncErrors.txt" on the "remote" computer shows "Erreur OLE 800A0E7F". Why ?
Chris |
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