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Our SLXDBEngine.DLL keeps crashing
Posted: 12 Jun 08 12:47 PM
here's the error message szAppName : w3wp.exe szAppVer : 6.0.3790.3959 szModName : SLXDBEngine.DLL szModVer : offset : 0006a46f
The only other hint I have in the event viewer is that on our custom tables we keep getting this error
Procedure DoLog. Error:LogParamSQL: OLEDBValueToVariant Unsupported DBType: 7 SQL: insert into .......
It keeps causing the SLXDBEngine to crash which causes our whole website to crash and thus we have to reset the server
And of course it only happens on production We can't even get any of these error message to show up on our staging environments
Is there anything else I can do to inspect or possibly figure out why this is happening? Thank you in advance
Re: Our SLXDBEngine.DLL keeps crashing
Posted: 13 Jun 08 3:12 AM
Do you use remotes as well ? If so, grab a ton of TEF files and examine them. As these are custom tables I would suspect custom code to be the issue - and the log above backs that up - OLEDBValueToVariant. The fact you are also using direct SQL injection (insert into) is further evidence of this. So, I suspect you - not the product |
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Re: Our SLXDBEngine.DLL keeps crashing
Posted: 23 Jul 08 2:58 AM
Yes, you can use the "select cols from table where 1=0" approach. You can then use :
Dim objSLXDB, objRS, strSQL
If IsEmpty(objSLXDB) Then Set objSLXDB = New SLX_DB End If
Set objRS = objSLXDB.GetNewRecordSet strSQL = "Select * from myTable where 1=0"
objRS.Open strSQL, objSLXDB.Connection objRS.AddNew
With objRS .Fields("CONTACTID").Value = ConID .Fields("CREATEUSER").Value = Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID .Fields("MODIFYUSER").Value = Application.BasicFunctions.CurrentUserID .Fields("CREATEDATE").Value = Now .Fields("MODIFYDATE").Value = Now .Fields("Q1").Value = "F" .Fields("Q2A1").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A2").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A3").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A4").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A5").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A6").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A7").Value = "0" .Fields("Q2A8").Value = "0" .Fields("Q3A1").Value = "F" .Fields("Q3A2").Value = "F" .Update If ErrorCheck (Application.Translator.Localize("Error updating...")) > 0 Then exit sub .Close End With
Set objRS = Nothing
This makes the code easier to read - and you don't have to worry {too much} about data types. Mike
Re: Our SLXDBEngine.DLL keeps crashing
Posted: 23 Jul 08 3:10 AM
Oh ok that's what you meant
Yea that would have resolved my datatype issue
But we're actually not generating any SQL ourselves that was just the error message cataloged by the events viewer in windows
We're using an ORM to do all the nasty SQL stuff and sometimes it means having to fix nuances here and there but overall it works out super
thanks for the reply |